“Thank you Pastor,” she gave him a weak smile after he escorted her to the door.

“Don’t worry my child. It will all work out,” he assured her before is signature smile blossomed once more. She left feeling better than she had before she went into his office. She proceeded to call Lauren to come keep her company if she wasn’t busy as her shift would be starting later in the day.

Imani’s feet were killing her and she felt overly sensitive but she had to keep up with the orders that were being directed at her. She felt the nausea as her stomach churned but she tried to hold out as cold sweat washed her body. She had forgotten to take the medication for that and this was the price she had to pay.

Over the past three weeks things had almost gone back to normal except for the fact that most of her church community looked at her with disappointment or distaste after the pastor had announced that she was pregnant.

 She sat in the back pew of the church trying to avoid their stares but even down there she could feel their accusing eyes shooting daggers at her. Occasionally she would look up to see a sister shake her head in distaste before turning her attention back to the sermon. She once overheard two females who had entered the restroom while she sat in one of the cubicles talking about her.

“I tell you Martha I knew that girl was no saint. No wonder Andre dumped her behind and got himself a real Christian woman.”

“I know right? Little Miss Hoity Toity always acting like she walks on water. Oh how the Mighty has fallen.” At this the two began to cackle and Imani felt the hot tears splash her cheeks at the women’s hurtful words. If not for the fact that she knew that God had forgiven her and that He was her judge, she probably would have quit the church in that instant. Instead she dried her tears before walking out of the cubicle at which both women who were face forward looking in the mirror stopped their laughing as their eyes widened in horror at being caught slandering her so outwardly. She mustered all her strength and placed a warm smile on her face.

“Good evening ladies,” she said before ducking her head and washing her hands at the sink she was at and then she left them in the room still stunned. In all this time she got to find out who her real friends were and those who found glory in her downfall.

“Imani are you Ok?” asked her manager who was currently making rounds to ensure that all the customers were content. “You look flushed.”

“It’s ok Mark, I’m just feeling a little disoriented it will soon pass.” She couldn’t afford to lose any of her shifts nor the tips that she normally picked up as this was what was being saved to make all her appointments and prepare for her baby’s arrival.

“Still, take five. Wash your face and just breathe a little,” he commanded before walking off.

She gladly jumped at this as she did need a few minutes to try and compose herself. Maybe a little water could help with the nausea as well. After drinking a glass of water from the staff refrigerator, she went to the bathroom to wash her face and removed her shoes to massage her swollen feet. When she felt much better she put her shoes back on, fixed her uniform and headed outside.

For the most part she felt much better even though she had not been fully relieved from the nauseous feeling. The tips were coming in and that pushed her to keep her mind off how she felt as she worked harder. Perhaps she would be able to start paying down on the nice little crib she saw in the baby store and the stroller as well. Not knowing the sex of the baby meant she could not start buying baby clothes which was the least.

“Imani,” Mark motioned to her and she made her way over to him where he stood at the bar area.

“Yes Mark?”

“There is a very important group of men sitting in the VIP lounge area, I need you to serve them.” At this she perked up even more as it meant she had some big tips coming her way if she remained cordial to these gentlemen. She just hoped they weren’t snobbish as rich men could be difficult to deal with. Walking to the back of the restaurant she turned right and made her way to the little alcove that served as a separation from the rest of the main floor as it was slightly elevated.

As she made her way to the lone table where three men were seated with their heads bent over what seemed to be documents she felt her nausea rear its ugly head.

“Good evening gentlemen. My name is Imani and I will be your waitress tonight. Are you ready to order?” At this two of the men raised their heads to look in her direction with pleasant curiosity as the one she stood closest to still had his head bowed.

“What a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman,” said the gentleman who looked Hispanic and sat directly across from she stood. “Don’t you think so Michael?”

At this the man who had not been involved in the conversation raised his head to look up at her with his midnight black eyes and she was catapulted to nearly two months ago when they had first been settled on her. Recognition shone in his eyes but before he could say anything Imani was emptying the contents of her stomach on his tailored suit pants.

“I’m so sorry,” she rushed out her hands covering her mouth to prevent any repeat. He didn’t seem bothered by the fact that she had just vomited all over his pants – if anything he seemed intrigued.

“I suppose this is the treatment I should expect considering the way you ran out on me.” His voice was light but she could sense the slight hurt that was laced in. She desperately tried to clean his pants but he held her arm firmly, stopping her motion and forcing her to look into his eyes.

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted as if compelled by his intent stare to tell the truth. His eyes narrowed as he processed her words. “It’s yours,” she finished feebly and he immediately released her arm as his nostrils flared and his stare became deadly.