She really didn’t have the time to be harassed by some stranger who she assumed was only feeling her out.
“I’m Ok,” she simply said before taking off down the street once more.
After a few feet she realized that the street was entirely deserted and the dim lights that barely lit the sidewalks cast it in a sinister light.
“You know you really should consider turning back, these streets aren’t safe for such a nice young lady as yourself.” Irritated that he was following her, she whirled around to see him in the backseat of the town car. Seemingly he was being chauffeur driven.
“Why are you following me?” she asked him in an annoyed voice.
“I’m just concerned. As I said before, these streets aren’t safe, especially at such an hour.” When she didn’t respond he continued. “I can take you where you want to go. No funny business, trust me.”
As she looked up and down the deserted street she looked back at the car and the man trying to decide what was best. Something in her gut told her if she continued on the path she had taken she would end up in serious problems and on the other hand it told her that she could trust this man. In the end, she decided to go with him and a man in a suit alighted from the front to open the door for her to get in.
“Where are you headed?” he asked as soon as she was properly situated in the car.
“Nowhere in particular; I just needed to clear my head,” she answered honestly. She didn’t know what it was about this man that she could barely see in the dim lighting of the car that impelled her honesty. Maybe it was his deep baritone voice that flowed as thick as honey and caressed her ear drums before ultimately creating an aura of tranquility, settling her frazzled mind, or maybe it was the freedom she felt talking to someone who didn’t know her and was unrelated to her world of chaos.
“I know a place you could do that if you would let me,” he offered.
Throwing caution to the wind she took him up on his offer.
“Sure. Why not?”
“Good,” he replied before turning his head to the front of the car. “Mark please take us to the Wyndham,” he instructed the driver.
“Wyndham?” she asked incredulously as she rounded on him.
“Yeah,” he affirmed. “That’s where I’m staying. I thought you would enjoy a nice meal and good company in their restaurant.” To this she said nothing, still bugged by the fact that this man seemed to be way out of her league.
For the remainder of the drive they remained relatively silent each wrapped up in their own thoughts and she was happy for the time offered to analyze her actions. Apparently the man was loaded if he could afford to take her to the Wyndham and the fact that he had a driver. It could also be that he was only fronting, trying to impress a poor unsuspecting female or the other alternative could be that he was on a business trip and all of the extravagance was paid for by a company card. In any event, she just needed some time to unwind and having company wasn’t unwelcomed especially if he was paying.
“Good evening Mr. Fray. Table for two?” asked the female manning the appointment desk.
“Yes thank you,” said the handsome man who had his hand at the small of her back sending a soothing warmth throughout the area. As soon as they had been escorted from the town car, a bellhop readily opened the door for them and acknowledged the man whose name she hadn’t even gotten.
When they stepped into the fully lighted lobby area her breath caught in her throat. The man was handsome beyond her wildest imaginings. His rich dark chocolate complexion was smooth and unblemished reminding her of how she liked her coffee – a rich black, no milk. His angular face housed his deep set onyx eyes that were currently turned on her and gleamed like fine polished stones. His nose was a straight line that led to flared nostrils and his lips were full. His muscular build was unmistakable under his tailored suit that seemed to have been custom made based on the close fit. He was very tall as well towering over her 5ft 6” frame. She reckoned he was at least 6ft 2”. His dark low cut hair was wavy and her hands hitched to run through it to feel its texture.
As if oblivious to her presence, the receptionist returned an equally radiant smile before leading them to a table closer to the back of the room. It offered some privacy and for that Imani was grateful.
“You’re server will be with you shortly Mr. Fray. In the mean time, you can look over the menu and prepare to order. If there is anything else you would like just let me know.” She maintained the bright smile on her lips since their arrival although it was only directed at her companion. Imani had the distinct feeling that the woman was flirting with him which caused her to automatically roll her eyes.
After leaving their table and sashaying her way back to her post, Imani could not help the sigh of annoyance that escaped her lips. At this he turned towards her ,raising a smooth arched eyebrow at her.
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“Is there something wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing in particular. It’s just that the receptionist was so busy flirting with you she forgot that I was sitting here as well and I found it distasteful,” she replied. At this he let out a deep chortle that reverberated through his chest. The sound sent shivers down her spine.
“Don’t worry, I’ve only got my eyes on one woman tonight.” At his reply she felt a warmth travel up her neck and spread across her cheeks. Luckily it was not easily seen thanks to her caramel complexion. Still she held her head down as her straightened hair fell around her face creating a barrier on either side. She then proceeded to lift the menu to read it and effectively blocked his view of her face.
“So have you thought about what you would like to order Miss…..?”
“Imani,” she replied simply.