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Looking up, she saw that he was already looking at her and without warning he bent and captured her lips in a slow kiss. She felt his hand slide around to rest on her belly as he deepened the kiss.
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Completely satiated and exhausted from the exercise, she fell asleep with Michael holding her against his chest on the large couch.
When Imani woke up, she was inside her room in bed but Michael was nowhere to be found. She searched the house but didn’t find him. Finally she asked the butler who informed her that he had left for work. She was disappointed that he left without saying anything and opted to call him but her call went straight to his voicemail.
She stayed up long past the time her husband was expected to be home but he never showed and she finally fell asleep. Later in the night she felt his arms around her as he sought her out in need and she helped to assuage it only for him to leave early the next morning without so much as a note. This continued for the remainder of the week and all the way into her seventh month of pregnancy. It wasn’t much but she gratefully accepted the little he gave her as she continued to pray that he would come to love her and to want a real family with her and their son.
Again the Doctor advised Imani and Michael that she was overly stressed and needed to alleviate this if they didn’t want any undue complications with the remainder of her pregnancy and delivery of their child. Michael promised the Doctor that he would ensure that all stress triggers were eliminated from around her to the point that he hired an in-house nurse to ensure that she got enough bed rest while he was away as well as that she ate healthy and kept away from strenuous activities.