“That’s a nice rich name for an African Queen,” he spoke looking into her honey-brown colored eyes.
Again his words caused her to blush but deflecting it she asked, “And your name Mr…?”
“Michael Fray,” he said his rich voice caressing the words as they rolled off his lips.
“Well nice to meet you Michael,” she replied as a tentative smile graced her lips before blossoming into a full blown one. She just couldn’t help the muscles in her face.
“You have a beautiful smile. It brings out your beautiful brown eyes.”
“Thank you,” she replied the smile still etched on her features made even brighter by his compliment.
“So Imani, want to talk about what upset you earlier to make you want to walk alone on the lonely New York streets?” His words brought her back to the reality that she had indeed been running from the mess her life had become.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she replied simply and he inclined his head in an understanding manner easing her discomfort. Only she was still bothered and found it difficult to concentrate on their conversation after their food arrived. They talked about their interests and hobbies and critiqued their favorite movies, music, games and so on. Yet at the back of her mind, Andre and Andrea taunted her so much so that she kept refilling her champagne glass.
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“You need to go easy,” Michael implored her pointing to her half empty glass.
“Don’t worry,” she laughed freely as the alcohol loosened her senses and her tongue. “I am not a lightweight I can hold my own.” He gave her a skeptical look but didn’t express whatever concerns he may be having.
Later that evening he invited her up to his presidential suite where they continued to talk and dance to the music he put on. Everything felt right but she didn’t know whether or not she should attribute it to the slight buzz she was feeling. All she knew was that she was enjoying herself – for the first time since Andre broke her heart she felt light. She burrowed her face in the man’s chest as his Armani cologne tickled her nostrils combined with his pure male scent.
The next morning, Imani woke up disoriented and in a room that she did not recognize. Suddenly she felt a hand curve over her waist and she turned to see the sleeping face of the man she had spent the previous evening with. Panic bubbled through her chest as she frantically removed his hand from her waist and jumped off the bed rushing around and collecting all her belongings before leaving the hotel room.
As she took the elevator, tears streamed down her face as the knowledge of what she had done last night came burgeoning through her. She felt cheap and ashamed and the worst part was she had gone back on her oath to remain chaste until marriage.