“Folks this is your captain speaking. We will be arriving at our destination within the next fifteen minutes as there is no turbulence. We project a smooth landing, you can carry on with your activities,” came the pilot’s voice over the intercom. When Imani made to move Michael’s hands tightened around her causing her to tilt her head towards him in confusion.
“The captain said we can continue with our activities. Where are you going?” His repetition of the pilot’s word activities caused an immediate warming of her cheeks.
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Her curly hair was disheveled with a few strands sticking out from her head. Reaching for the rubber band on her hand, she immediately pulled everything into a messy bun at the center of the back of her head. She chose to stay in the bathroom for a few more seconds to completely still her racing heart before making her appearance in the bedroom.
Michael wasn’t on the bed or anywhere in the room so she assumed he must be out in the classy sitting area that looked more like a living room with plush white leather sofas and loveseats artfully aligned along the walls and a coffee table in the center; on one of the far walls hung a huge flat screen TV. The entire setting rivaled that of a real home and she imagined if she didn’t have anywhere to live a plane like this would suffice.
She decided to go find her husband and her assumptions were right. He sat on one of the sofas with his legs crossed as he went over some documents from a file he had open on the coffee table. When he looked up and saw her he gestured for her to have a seat.
“The plane will be landing any minute. Sit in one of the seats. It’s a precautionary measure but I would feel much better if you obliged,” he said.
After sitting in a seat opposite his, she felt a slight jerk as the plane landed and taxied down the runway. They were finally at their destination and Imani was eager to find out where she was.
After they descended from the plane the first thing Imani noticed was the humid air and the bright sunshine above their heads. Around the area they landed was a lot of green and the sky was clearer free from smog and the tall skyscrapers that entirely occupied New York’s skyline.
“Welcome to Jamaica Imani,” came Michael’s voice behind her. She turned to face him with her hands covering her mouth and her eyes wide with surprise – she was in Jamaica! It had always been her dream getaway destination and the man before her had made it possible. Forgetting the circumstances that brought them together, she launched herself at him, hugging him to her as her heart spilled over with joy.
“Oh my God. How did you…” She couldn’t finish the sentence as she tried to wrap her mind around the whole situation.
“Lauren told me,” he confessed. “I thought it would be a special surprise for you and I can see I was right,” he spoke above her head as his chin rested on top of her curls. “Come. Let’s get going. I made a three O clock appointment with the masseuse at the hotel we will be staying at for you.”
“Which hotel?” she asked.
“I think it’s called Sandals,” he replied. Taking up their luggage, he placed it in the back of the car that was waiting for them when they landed. The driver closed the trunk before heading for the driver’s side of the vehicle and Michael helped his wife into the backseat of the car before getting in after her and bundling her against his side.
“Welcome to Sandals Resort and Spa,” came the bright voice of the receptionist behind the reception desk her thick accent seeping into her voice. Imani couldn’t help the smile that transformed her features as she greeted the female whose name was Shanique. It was true what they said about the Island people they were always smiling and had a vibrant personality and she definitely got that from Shanique and all the other workers she came in contact with.
“Yes, we have reservations under the name Michael and Imani Fray,” said Michael his suave voice causing the receptionist to take notice of him, her eyes going wide before returning to their original shape.
“Ok you are booked for the beachfront cottage on the east side of the property. Let me get a concierge to take you lovely folks over there,” she beamed at them once more.
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Soon after, a man dressed in uniform came to get their bags and escort them to their cottage. Like Shanique, he was just as pleasant as he drove them on the golf cart across the property towards the beach and a luxurious looking building made out of wood facing out towards the sea. When they made it inside, Imani felt as if she had died and gone to heaven.
The area was roomy and had an air of freedom complimented by the high ceilings and glass paneling on almost every side. The sitting area was decorated with island wicker furniture and walking through the long white drapes that separated the living room from the bedroom she was again awe struck. A king size four poster canopy bed stood in the center of the area draped in an array of fine linen and facing out towards the open sky and sea that seemed to be a part of the overall décor of the room. Various pieces of furniture were littered around the room in keeping with the theme of roominess. Out on the patio area that hung directly over the sea, she could see a Jacuzzi had been designed to be at the same level as the tiled floor. If anyone had told her that she would be privy to such opulence she would have thought them to be mad but here she was in her own fairytale story and she couldn’t be happier even though the end had not yet been written.
The concierge informed them that their personal butler would be there shortly before he left.
Imani felt Michael wrap his arms around her waist from behind as she stood looking out at the vast cerulean sea enthralled by the sight.
“Do you like it?” he asked.