“Care to join me?” he asked as he turned to face her. She was tempted but determined she needed some time to sort through her feelings.
“No, you go ahead. I won’t have you blaming me for making you late.”
“I’m the boss honey,” he said while smirking. “I can do whatever I want.” Turning, he headed for the bathroom while stripping off his sweatpants and wife beater; her eyes trailed his every action. At the door he turned to face her again.
“Sure you don’t wanna come and wash my back?” he asked in his deep husky voice, licking his lips as he slowly rolled down his Calvin Klein underpants. As his manhood sprang forward, her mouth began to salivate but she maintained her will power.
“Nuh uh. You’re showering alone today mister,” she affirmed.
“Your loss.”
Imani watched as he entered the bathroom before releasing the sigh she held in. She used the time to fall on her knees to offer up a prayer on behalf of her husband. She found herself praying for God to bless him and to fill his heart with love for his family and then she prayed for the health of her unborn child. When she got up she felt much better; renewed even. She confirmed that she was falling deeply in love with her husband but would give him time to grow his feelings for her. In the meantime however, she would shower him with all the love she currently felt for him. He would not go a day without knowing her feelings for him even if she didn’t outright say it.
That morning before Michael left for work, Imani gave him a slow endearing kiss that quickly turned into one of urgency and had them both gasping for air when they parted. He left with an earsplitting smile and a pep in his step and she was sure he would remember that kiss for the rest of the day.
“You see that?” asked an excited Michael just above her head as the monitor revealed their fully formed baby’s features. All she could do was smile at his enthusiasm. She couldn’t believe that what she was seeing was actually inside of her but unlike Michael her musings were internal. The baby was now fully formed and based on Dr. Grace’s advice was growing normally and no anomalies had been detected.
“So everything is progressing along smoothly and I will see you guys in the next four weeks,” declared Dr. Grace as Michael helped Imani down off the bed. “Imani I have prescribed some additional supplements that should help in the baby’s development and when I see you guys again we can determine the sex; provided you want to know.”
“Well this one here,” said Imani, slapping her husband’s chest. “Has already predicted that it will be a boy but yes we would like to know.”
“I don’t need any tests to confirm that my baby is just that but to put my lovely wife’s mind at ease, yeah sure.”
Dr. Grace watched the interaction between the two, marveling at how good they looked together. Compared with the couple she had seen over a month ago, they truly seemed in love and she hoped it would remain that way even with the birth of their child. The two left the doctor’s office on a high.
“I can’t believe you girl. I mean you’ve been back a week and you’re now just only calling me?” asked Lauren in a slightly hurt voice.
“I’m sorry Lauren, it’s just that there’s been so much on my mind but let me make it up to you,” offered Imani as she twirled the phone cord in her hand as she waited for her friend’s answer.
“It better be good or I am taking you off my official wedding list.”
Laughing at her friend’s silly vendetta she replied.
“I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. “
“Hmm hmm,” humphed Lauren in skepticism. “Any ways, how is my little niece or nephew doing?” she asked changing the subject.
“He or she is doing just fine. Went for the ultra sound four days ago and the doctor says everything looks good. I got a picture for you and some souvenirs I brought back from Jamaica. I didn’t get to thank you for telling Michael about that. Thanks girl,” she said, the sincerity spilling over in her voice.
“Mani, you’re like my sister from another mother, I’d do anything for you girl. You know you’re my home-girl.”
“Good. So I’ll see you at twelve.”
“Twelve?” asked a perplexed Lauren.
“Yeah. I told you I want to make it up to you so come by the house so that I can fulfill my promise.”
Michael was at work and she was bored having nothing to do but walk around the massive space and indulge in the many amenities available like the pool and the gym – they just weren’t enough and she craved another human presence that she shared some sort of connection with as the staff were mainly cordial to her never seeking to strike up a conversation with her or to be lured into a relax mode in her presence. She missed human contact; craved it even. When Michael was home she was fine but as soon as he left in the mornings she felt inadequate, unimportant like a doll living in a glasshouse.
“Girl I swear you’ve got it made for life,” declared Lauren as she followed Imani from the foyer and into the den. She could tell that Lauren was impressed as her eyes roamed the expanse of the room they were now in. Lauren had visited before but their meeting had been out under the gazebo.
“I wouldn’t say that,” she said.
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“Why not? I mean you have a handsome man who is also loaded and can afford to take you anywhere around the world you desire and not to mention the fact that he adores you,” Lauren said incredulously.
“Well yeah, I have all that money can buy but not the one thing I desire – love.”
“Didn’t you just hear me say you have a man that adores you?” Before she could protest, Lauren held up her hand stopping her before continuing. “I saw how he looked at you from the first time I got to meet him. It was like he was captivated by you and the fact that he wanted to make your honeymoon memorable for you speaks a lot. If I had a man that was willing to go to those lengths to please me then he is a keeper in my books; love or no love. But remember Mani, you said you would give the love time to grow so just let it and don’t question what’s happening.”
“You’re right,” she accepted her friend’s speech and giving her a reassuring smile to convey that she really did accept her advice.
“Good now, what you got for me?” That effectively cast aside all talk about love as Imani showed her friend the gifts she brought home for her before they engaged in meaningful activities to pass the time.