They were both invited to the wedding; in fact a majority of the members of the church had been invited so it was no shock that Lauren was there. She never really warmed up to Andre the whole two years he and Imani were dating but as a show of support for her friend, she decided to attend the wedding with her and support her through it. She had supported her throughout the two months after the breakup and today was no different. Now as they walked down the make-shift aisle behind the guests who were piling out of the church, Lauren reached across and held her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“Keep strong, Mani,” she implored Imani, using the affectionate nickname she had entitled her with.

“Mr. Right is out there for you. Don’t make one heartbreak and their seeming happiness,” she inclined her head towards the couple that stood before the stretch Limo with the emboldened ‘Just Married’ sign smiling and waving to the crowd, “Keep you from finding him.”

This time she gave her friend a genuine smile before embracing her and thanking her for her encouraging words.

“Good, now let’s go eat up their food and drink up their bubbly and have a good time girl; it’s your birthday after all.”

Imani laughed heartily at her friend’s touch of humor, happy for the subtle way she diverted her thoughts.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

Hand in hand they headed for Lauren’s 2007 Honda Civic and made their way downtown to the banquet hall.

“Why do they keep looking at me as if they expect me to break up the happy couple?” asked Imani as she sucked her teeth to show her irritation. Since arriving at the reception the guests (mostly the church people) who knew her and Andre’s history kept side-eyeing her, especially as persons got up to toast the couple and offer their best wishes. Before the wedding, Andrea’s mother who was her uncle’s wife had visited her and in no uncertain terms told her that if she did anything to try and sabotage the wedding, she would regret it.

“I mean if I wanted to interrupt this happy festivity don’t you think I would have objected when the preacher asked for any objections?”

“Girl just let it go and don’t pay them any mind, they’re obviously just wondering why he would go for that,” Lauren said discreetly pointing to Andrea at the head table. “When he had all of this,” she finished turning her attention back to Imani.

Even though she knew Lauren meant it as a compliment to her, it didn’t make her feel any better and for the fifth time she waved over the waiter carrying the glasses filled with champagne and took one downing the contents in one fluid motion. She replaced the empty glass to the tray and took another glass placing it on her table.

“Mani slow down, you’re gonna get drunk.”

“I think that is what I am aiming for,” she professed already buzzed and feeling much bolder than she had in a while from the effects of the alcohol in her system.

“You know what?” she asked getting to her feet in the process. “Let’s give them something to talk about hmm?”

Ignoring Lauren’s alarmed sharp whisper for her to sit down; she took up her glass and raised it in the air as she projected her voice to get everyone’s attention.

“I’d like to make a toast to the beautiful couple sitting up there. Give them a round of applause,” she commanded the audience who clapped half-heartedly concerned for what she had to say. “Trust me guys you are picture perfect. I would not have been able to imagine this day if I was not invited.”

Her voice was free of accusation or resentment and as such everyone started to relax until she said, “You know I always imagined that I would have a wedding like this? It would be a spring wedding like this of course and on my birthday no less. I would be eating my wedding cake and stealing it out of my husband’s mouth while he lovingly allows it. But alas it was not to be.” Turning to face the guests in their seats she continued, “Instead I get to wish my loving cousin Andrea and my Ex Andre a happy marriage and future together on my birthday.”

No one said anything as if in shock at her statement. “To the happy couple,” she reiterated before raising the glass to her lips and finishing its content in one gulp.

It had felt good getting it all off her chest but suddenly she felt uneasy. She placed the glass on the table and headed for outside. Lauren rushed after her but she assured her that she just needed some time to clear her head. Reluctantly she allowed her to go, heading back inside.

As Imani stood outside wondering where to go from here, she couldn’t help the ever present tears that threatened to run from her damp eyes. She couldn’t understand what could have happened to have caused her life to spiral into the chaotic state that it was currently in. She didn’t want to blame God for her misfortunes but it felt as if he had deliberately stepped down and disrupted her life that was progressing so well. Brushing away the few stray tears that had escaped, she took off down the sidewalk with no clear destination in mind – she just needed to get her mind off of everything.

“What is a beautiful young woman doing walking alone on a night like this?”

Imani jumped at the sudden deep baritone voice that had invaded her thoughts and effectively drew her from the confines of her freedom in thinking of nothing. Turning her head towards the voice, she noticed a well-dressed mocha colored gentleman standing beside a town car. He seemed young but the dim street lights made it difficult for her to determine whether or not her assumptions were right.