The day finally arrived. It was her wedding day and she was panicking. She was currently in a guest room of Michael’s home where she was getting ready and she was freaking out. Everyone was trying to calm her but nothing was working.
“I can’t find my tiara,” she cried ruining her makeup. Lauren rolled her eyes above her head as the other bridesmaids milled around exasperated at her mini-tantrums. First she couldn’t find one of her earrings and then it was the pearl shimmer hair comb and now it was her tiara all of which she was panicking over.
“Alright everyone just give us a minute please,” begged Lauren. At this everyone piled out of the room happy to get away from the drama and tears. When everyone was out Lauren closed the door and turned to with her hands on her hips.
“What’s wrong Imani?” she asked in a deathly calm voice which caused Imani’s head to snap up to her. “Ever since I got here you have been having mini flares of panic and temper. Are you sure you want to go through with this wedding?”
At this Imani answered truthfully.
“Yes. I don’t want to lose my baby Lauren but that’s not the only reason. I think I’m catching feelings for Michael and it scares me. What if I fall in love with him and he doesn’t reciprocate?” She got up and began to pace the spacious room. “I had a dream before he proposed to me and in that dream I was so happy to marry him, it felt so right. Then I had a dream about us with our child. We had a son and we were on the beach making sand castles and then we were embracing and I swear everything felt linked and so right but I’m afraid that it may just be wishful thinking.”
“Listen to me,” implored Lauren who had taken her hands in hers and stopped her motion. “Like I said before, maybe this is God’s way of giving you exactly what you deserve. Just take a leap of faith Imani. If He is allowing you to have these dreams then maybe He is showing you what He has planned for you. The decision however is yours and if you choose not to marry Michael, I am with you one hundred percent.” She smiled at her friend, happy that she always had her back.
“Ok I need my make-up retouched and my hair transformed.” At her request her friend jumped up and started the labor of love process to get her ready for her wedding. She had to be the Belle of the ball, no one else would steal the light from her.
As the wedding march started, Imani’s heart rate picked up speed as each of her bridesmaids left the small tent that concealed her from everyone out in the open. Lauren turned and gave her a thumps up before leaving her alone in the tent. She thought back on her dreams and how real they had seemed and then she offered a prayer up to God.
“Dear God I am asking you to bless my marriage and please help me to be a good wife. Teach me how to love my husband and teach him how to love me.” When the song she had chosen to march down the aisle began, she had become resolute to follow through. When she emerged from the tent and made her way towards the aisle she couldn’t help the smile that was present on her face. She was ready to become Mrs. Fray and the knowledge of it caused her heart to bubble over in joy.
She walked in tune to the music towards the gazebo that was prepared as the altar of her wedding and like her dream; Michael had his back turned to her. The setting was different but the events were the same. She couldn’t wait to make it to the altar. No one else held any importance to her, only the man she was focusing on. When she was a few meters away he turned to face her and she could see the smile she sported reflected on his face. His black eyes dance with excitement as they focused on her.
When she finally made it to the foot of the gazebo he put forth his hand and she grasped it feeling his strength and the assurance that everything would be ok.
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“Hi,” he said still smiling down at her when she finally stood before him.
“Hi,” she replied beaming as well.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here to witness the union of Mr. Michael Anthony Fray and Miss Imani Olive Duncan. Truly this is a blessed day that the Lord has ordained,” belted out Pastor Jacobs as the guests all sat looking on. She didn’t know more than half of the crowd but that didn’t matter as she was more focused on the man she was currently exchanging vows with.
After the exchange of the rings and a slow endearing kiss, it was official – they were married.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Fray,” declared Pastor Jacobs as the guest erupted in loud cheers.