Chapter 5

“You know, like the preacher said, he who finds a wife finds a good thing and I could not agree more. I look forward to all the good and all the bad moments with my beautiful wife.” Michael looked lovingly at her as he delivered his speech and she could not help the blissful state she was in. Her cheeks flushed and the wide smile on her face were evidence of this. “To you Imani,” he said as he raised his glass. Although he had not expressed any emotions towards her, she could tell that he was sincere in his speech of looking forward to the time they had together and in her heart of hearts she prayed it would be as she had vowed – “Till death do us part.”

After everyone that was able to, expressed their heart-felt congratulations it was time for their first dance. Michael led her to the dance floor and molded her to his body as the crooning voice of Nat King Cole came over the speakers singing her favorite song – ‘When I fall in love.’ She stared into his gleaming eyes that shown with an emotion she could not decipher as if hypnotized by them. She was so engrossed in their dance and the way his hands resting at the small of her back was making her feel that she had not realized that the music had stopped until the applause cut into their reverie.

As she pulled away from him he held her hand, interlocking their fingers and sending a jolt of electricity up her arm. She noticed Lauren winking at her as they made their way back to the head table and her already flaming cheeks seemed to get even hotter. Anymore PDA and she would probably burst into flames. She was on edge for the remainder of the evening as she anticipated their departure and subsequent honeymoon. He had planned the trip but had not told her where they would be heading. All she knew was that they would be taking his personal Jet.

“Where are we going?” she asked for the umpteenth time after they left the party in a stretch Limo.

“I told you, it’s a surprise. You will just have to wait and see.” At this she harrumphed not at all pleased that she was still in the dark about their destination. With a pout she turned and looked out the window as unsuspecting tears ran down her cheeks.

“Hey, why are you crying?” came Michael’s concerned voice just above her ears as he bent over her. When she didn’t answer and the tears began to flow even harder, he pulled her into his lap, kissing her temple and whispering soft comforting words. “I promise you’ll like it I just wanted it to be a surprise. Please don’t cry,” he pleaded trying to diffuse the situation.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me,” she confessed. “I get so emotionally worked up over nothing, it feels weird.”

“I read that a woman’s hormone levels rise during pregnancy and can heighten their emotions. Maybe that’s what is happening to you,” he offered.

“Maybe,” she agreed.

“Just get some sleep Ok? Today must have been exhausting for you and the baby.” She nodded her head that was still buried in his chest and as he raised his hand to run through her curls and over her scalp she felt at peace and in no time she fell asleep. She woke up when he lifted her from the Limo and brought her up the steps of the waiting plane but she instantly fell back asleep as he placed her on the huge king sized bed in the Master cabin of the plane.

She woke up later to find herself trapped against a warm body as a firm hand that showed the owner’s corded muscles held her in place. She realized that it was Michael. She was wrapped in the signature Armani cologne along with his own male musk that swarmed her senses and created an alluring aura.

She couldn’t help the smile that crossed her lips and she ran her hand over the fine hairs on his arm reveling in their softness.

She felt him stir behind her and her movements automatically ceased. As if sensing her apprehension he detached his hand from beneath her and instead started to rub circles over her tummy that had a slight pudge although not noticeable to the visible eye. It was her body so she could tell that she had gained an inch around the waist area.

“Hi,” he said above her ear, his warm breath tickling the tiny curls situated behind it. Although his hand was running over her clothed flesh it didn’t help the feeling of warmth that ran through her body and the quivers she felt in her stomach at his light caress.

“Hi,” she answered in a barely audible whisper. Her emotions running amok as she tried to rear in her deceptive body that was highly aroused from the simplest of touches from her husband. She blamed it on the fact that she was pregnant.

“Slept well?” he asked her as he fully detached himself from her and sat up. She followed his motion and sat up as well but he caught her by surprise when he drew her to him as he rested against the headboard. Again she felt the sensations that caused her emotions to skyrocket off the charts as he held her close to his chest, his hands now just a few inches below her overly sensitive bre*sts.

She remembered he had asked her a question and racked her brain until she could pinpoint the exact question he had asked.

“I slept well thank you.” They remained in the position they were in for a while neither saying anything.