Chapter 4

Imani turned her gaze towards the man who had just uttered the words, “Marry me.”

“Excuse me?” she asked, peeved at the fact that he left no room for negotiation as per his statement.

Michael turned his full black eyes on her, his jaw set in determination as he repeated, “I said if the baby is mine then you will have to marry me, otherwise I will sue you for custody as soon as it is born.” Her worst nightmare had been realized. “I want my child to have the same opportunities I had growing up in a home where both his parents are present. I will not tolerate a shared custody lifestyle. If you are unwilling then I will take him from you and marry someone else. It is as simple as that.”

“You’re forcing me to marry you?” she asked incredulously.

“If that’s the way you see it,” he replied, simply shrugging his broad shoulders to this effect. Without a word she turned and walked away from him and after exiting the building she continued walking.

“Where are you going?” she heard his exasperated voice behind her. She didn’t bother answering but continued walking down the street. Suddenly a hand grasped her upper arm and spun her around. “Why are you being so difficult Imani? What is your problem?” he asked scowling down at her. His irritation only served to trigger her own.

“You are my problem!” she screeched which caught him by surprise and he opened his mouth in shock. “I didn’t ask to be having your baby but I am and now you’re threatening to take it away if I don’t marry you?” She looked at him as hot tears splashed her cheeks. “How can you be so ruthless? I don’t even love you and you sure don’t love me.”

His features softened at her seeming misery and he reached up with his free hand to cup her face. It instantly calmed her frayed nerves at how gentle he was being but then he spoke and once more shattered her resolve.

“Don’t fight me on this Imani. It is for the best.” With that said, he released her face and tugged her by the hand he held, back to the car. She felt too defeated to protest so she went along with him.

Three days later she received the confirmation that Michael was the father although it was only for his benefit as she already knew the outcome. A knock sounded on her door and she wondered who would knock instead of ringing the bell. When she opened the door a tall man dressed in a suit stood before her.

“Good day ma’am. Are you Miss Duncan?” the man asked in a deep professional voice.

“Ohm, yes,” she replied with uncertainty. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“You’ve been summoned by Mr. Fray. I am here to take you to him,” the man replied as he stood at her door like a stiff board. She wanted to tell the man to tell Michael that he couldn’t order her to do anything but thought against it as she didn’t want to irritate him for the sake of her child.

She had decided to go through with the marriage to ensure that she remained a part of her child’s life after he/she was born. As such, she reckoned that he wanted to talk about the details of their wedding which would be taking place less than a week from now. He had explained to her that it would be expedient of him to introduce her to the business world as his wife before she started to show, hence the rushed wedding. She had said nothing, only sat and listened while he drove her home and when he dropped her at her apartment he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead that left a lingering heat there and caused her cheeks to flame. She couldn’t deny the fact that she was attracted to him and the kind gestures that he made towards her over the couple of days they waited for the results had caused her to warm up to him. She only prayed that over time they would grow to love each other as she couldn’t fathom being in a loveless marriage for the rest of her life.

“Hi,” he said as soon as she was escorted from the large foyer and carried to the sitting room of his palatial mansion. There was a broad smile on his face as he greeted her and she wondered if he was gloating at having gotten his way. In any case, the smile he sported still caused her heart to skip a beat but she tried to mask it by playing cool.

“I see you wasted no time in summoning me. Couldn’t wait to claim your prize?” she asked in a flat voice, her expression impassive. The smile immediately left his face to be replaced by an inscrutable expression.

“Are you a prize to be claimed?” he asked carefully.

“You tell me,” she countered, her expression matching his. Instead of answering her, he sat down and gestured for her to do the same.

“Have a seat.” She wanted to resist him but she was much too exhausted to even try. When she complied he began to speak.

“A wedding planner will be here in the next hour, also some designer gowns will be delivered for you to choose from and the catering company will also be here. I understand you have a degree in culinary arts so you shouldn’t have a problem choosing an appropriate menu. Also your belongings will be moved here by the end of the week and I have set up a stylist for you to help you with your wardrobe choices.”

She couldn’t say anything so she just sat and listened. It was as if he had already known the baby was his and had set everything in order for a smooth transition by the end of the week.

“You can invite your friends to the wedding, I have no problem with that but my parents will be here as well as business associates so please ensure they are on their best behavior.”

“You make it sound as if my friends are uncivilized,” she protested. “Just because we aren’t as rich as you or run in the same circles does not mean they wouldn’t know how to conduct themselves,” she defended.

“My apologies,” was all he offered before continuing. “We will be having dinner with my parents on Wednesday, they’re flying in early so that they can meet you.”

“More like judge me,” she thought wryly.

“Oh, I have paid off your student loan and placed money into your bank and checking account. As soon as we are married I will have a credit card fashioned for you.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that,” she jumped up in anger. “I don’t need your money Michael. I can take care of my own bills.”

Sighing, he too rose from his seat that was across from hers.

“I gather that you are independent Imani but you will be my wife and as such, you are a reflection of me. Everything I do is scrutinized and since you will be my wife the same thing goes for you. Just consider it as a necessity then.” His words caused her to withdraw within herself as the implications of what she was getting herself into became more apparent. Even though Michael kept a low radar and was private he was still scrutinized and talked about, especially when he had to make appearances at functions. With her becoming his wife, she would definitely come under the same umbrella. The mere thought caused apprehension. She hated being the center of attention and now it seemed she would have no control over it.

Michael left for an important meeting shortly after and left her in the care of his butler who would see to it that she was catered to and that everything went as smoothly as possible with the wedding planning. She decided to call Lauren who was aware of everything that was happening in her life.

“So how is Mr. Billionaire?” asked Lauren jokingly.

“Insufferable,” she mock cried gaining a laugh from her best friend.

“Girl you’re too much. It can’t be that bad considering you will be living in a mansion and will be richer than more than half of the country.”