Chapter 6
Imani and Michael spent two weeks in Jamaica soaking up the sun, frolicking on the beach and watching the sun set on the horizon from their patio. It was a true heaven on earth experience. They even went horseback riding on the mile length of white sand of the beach in their little private cove and it was an experience she was not soon to forget.
The days when they weren’t procrastinating, they employed the services of their tour guide who took them sight-seeing as well as to visit major cultural sites and thrift shops in an area which was called a craft market. Imani took the opportunity to buy souvenirs for her friends and herself. In the evenings they visited the local restaurants and got a taste of the Jamaican cuisine savoring the assortment of flavors that assuaged their senses – It was truly an epicurean delight.
Their nights were spent making passionate love as they both explored and got to know each other’s body down to the tiniest of flaws.
If someone had asked her to describe her dream honeymoon, a handful of the experiences she’s had so far would not have been included on this list. Everything boggled her mind; it even made her forget all about her failed relationship with Andre all courtesy of the man beside her who was more than she could have wished for. Michael was attentive and a gentleman who considered her feelings above all. To think they had started out on not so amicable terms and yet it was like they had always been this deep into each other was quite amazing.
Though it had only been two weeks since the wedding, Imani felt an emotion stir in her heart that could very well be love for her husband but she was careful not to examine it too closely as whenever it came on to her emotions, she wore them on her sleeve like a badge of honor as she was very expressive and vocal in this aspect. She didn’t want to scare Michael with it as she too wanted him to grow to develop a deep emotional connection to her that ultimately led to him expressing it to her. Any revelation on her part might scare him into concealing his feelings for her. They had not spoken about them coming to love each other and she wondered if he had any intention towards it becoming a love marriage. In the mean time, she would continue to soak up the attention as she was very needy and she attributed it to her current condition.
When they made it back to New York the fetus would be three months and according to Dr. Grace, the baby would be fully developed so that they would be able to see it more clearly compared to last time. The changes in Imani’s body had become even more noticeable as her tummy became slightly raised and more rounded and her bre*sts felt heavier with her areolas increasing in darkness and her nip*les sensitive to the touch.
“You’re up early,” came a deep husky voice above her head. Looking up from her task of running her index finger in circles over Michael’s chest, she stared into his deep black eyes that always held her honey brown ones captive as if he was peering deep into her soul.
“I was just thinking about how I’m gonna miss this,” she confessed, being as they would be off in the evening bound for New York.
“We can always come back. Maybe make it our anniversary destination,” he offered causing her heart to warm at his words.
“That would definitely be nice,” she smiled at him earning one from him that showed the perfect dimple on his right cheek.
“You know since we’re not leaving until later today maybe we can carry out some extracurricular activities to keep us busy until we get back to New York,” he said suggestively the innuendo of his words perfectly clear.
“You know Mr. Fray, that isn’t such a bad idea if I may say so myself,” she all but purred playing along. Their morning activities went all the way into the afternoon and everything they did was committed to memory to sustain them until they returned to the little island paradise.
“This is your captain speaking, informing you that we are approaching JFK and will be landing soon so please prepare yourselves.”
Imani was anxious. They had spent two weeks in wedded bliss on an exotic island but now that they were back in the real world she wondered what the protocol was. Michael’s circle was different from what she was used to as most of the persons he associated with were of the elite sect of society; propriety for them was of the utmost importance.
“You feeling Ok?” asked a concerned Michael who had noticed her pensive expression as she sat on the couch with her legs in his lap as he massaged them.
“Hmm hmm,” she replied with a small unconvincing smile.
“Is it the baby?” With that he reached out to touch her stomach a concerned look etched on his face.
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“No, the baby’s fine,” she spoke convincingly touched by his sensitivity to know when something was wrong with her. She placed her hand over his, covering it on top of her tummy. “I’m just anxious,” she replied truthfully.
“About what?” he asked perplexed.
“Ohm, it’s just that I really enjoyed out time together but I was wondering if that is going to change when we get back into our natural environment, well your environment, if it will be the same and how it is I am expected to act.”
Michael’s features softened as she voiced her concerns and scooting closer to her he curved his free hand over her cheek as he stared into her eyes with an expression that reflected his words.
“I don’t expect you to be anything other than who you are Imani. I understand that my world is different from the one that you’re accustomed to but outside of attending the glamorous functions and making appearances at dinner parties we are just two ordinary human beings. You aren’t a disappointment to me or else I wouldn’t have married you.” Imani smiled up at him as his words began to allay her fears that she wasn’t good enough.