“I was an ass Imani because my pride got in the way and so I ignored the fact that I had been in love with you since the first day I saw you.” When she made to protest, he implored her with his eyes to let him continue. “When I woke up that morning and you weren’t there I felt like I was going crazy, I scoured the whole of Manhattan looking for you. When I saw you again in that restaurant I felt like my dream had come true. Finding out you were pregnant made it more possible for me to get you to be a part of my life even more permanently, albeit my methods weren’t very commendable.”
She sat taking in his words cautiously. She was listening to his words but her mind was still focused on how he had been treating her for the past two months.
“When your ex told me that he broke up with you like two months before we got together, I felt as if you had used me and even though the facts were there to suggest otherwise I couldn’t get my mind to accept it. I felt hurt and I let that hurt fuel me to hurt you. I’m so sorry Imani,” he pleaded with her.
“I know it may be hard for you to accept this after all that we have been through but I love you. I truly love you from the bottom of my heart.”
As he sat waiting for her to respond to his revelation, her mind went back through the happy times and through the times he had hurt her weighing them against each other and then her mind went back to the sermon her pastor had preached about love and commitment and also to her wedding vows.
“You hurt me,” she stated flatly to which he nodded in agreement.
“Don’t ever let it happen again.” At this he threw his arms around her bundling her against his chest as he kissed her temple in gratitude for receiving another chance.
“I love you Imani,” he whispered like a prayer against her temple.
“I love you too Michael,” she too declared. “Now can I please see Joshua?” she asked referring to the name they had both agreed would be their son’s first name.
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“Of course, let me get a wheel chair then we can go see him.”
That evening they spent bonding with their little bundle of joy that had brought them together and had made them realize how much they loved each other as well.
Michael got baptized in the church wanting to be a better man for his family and Imani respected him even more for his choice.
The gossipers in the church still gossiped but this time they had nothing bad to report about their marriage and they could also pass Andre and Andrea and greet them warmly with no malice in their hearts. All in all God had healed their relationship and was blessing them as the days went by and they grew more and more in love and as a family with their son.
The end.