Chapter 8
She heard the engine of his car cut off before she heard him downstairs in the foyer. He would be heading to the kitchen now to get something to eat before residing in the den for a while and then he would trudge up the stairs and head to the set of guestrooms on the east wing of the building. She knew the routine like the back of her hand seeing as this is what he had done for the past two weeks. He barely spoke to her since the night of their confrontation. The only time he said more than two words to her was when they went for her sixth month check-up.
He had shown up while she was preparing herself for the check-up.
“You’re here,” she said unable to hide her surprise when he came through the door.
“Why wouldn’t I be here?” he asked with a tight smile. She decided not to answer the question with the obvious being that he had all but avoided and wasn’t even sleeping in the room with her but they had company.
For the remainder of the visit, she kept her focus on her healthy growing little boy as Michael did the same. The Doctor seemed to have noticed the tension from both of them and advised her that she needed to reduce her stress level as best as possible as she was in the final stage of her pregnancy.
After the visit he had simply told her he would see her at home before taking off in his R8.
She had asked Miles to close the set of glass doors that led to the section of the house where he was currently residing with the pretense that she was planning on renovating it and wanted it untouched until the designers came in.
She heard him rattle the doors in frustration and at his swear she nearly cowered and returned to her bedroom but she maintained her resolve and continued towards him.
“Hi,” she said simply as she wrapped the silk robe more tightly around her round frame, the material sliding softly over her skin.
He turned towards her and she saw the sudden awareness that transformed his eyes into deep pools of animalistic lust before he replaced it with a cool stare.
“Do you know why this door is closed?” he asked ignoring her salutation.
“I told Miles to close it,” she spoke boldly as she stared at him unafraid.
“Can you open it?” he asked dispassionately.
“No,” she replied simply.
“Dammit Imani, I don’t have the time for your games I need to sleep and you’re preventing me,” he spoke gruffly.
“Who’s playing?” she asked brazenly. “I need my husband and this seems to be the only way I can get your attention.” With that said she dropped the robe to reveal the sexy lingerie she wore. The simple black nightie was see through and showed the hardened nip*les of her bre*sts that spilled over the top of the bust area. Underneath she wore lace v shaped panties.
She noticed his nose flare and his sharp intake of breath as his eyes dilated until all she saw was the blackness of his irises. She walked confidently towards him, trying to be as seductive as possible in her approach. He remained riveted to the spot as his nether regions took control of his entire body. When she was directly in front of him, she ran her hands up his shirt front as she batted her eyelashes at him.
“I need you,” she reiterated, her red lips puckered as she said it. His eyes followed her full lips as if mesmerized but then he shook himself out of his daze and held her roaming hands firmly to halt their actions.
“What are you doing Imani?” he asked searching her face with his piercing black eyes. As she too searched his face she would see the bags under his eyes and how tired he looked.
“I want to take care of you,” she replied.
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“I don’t need you take care of me,” he firmly stated. “I’m not in the mood, I need to sleep.” With that he released her hands that fell numbly at her sides.
“Don’t you want me?” she asked in a hurt voice. “You’re not attracted to me anymore,” she continued on when he didn’t answer her.
“I need to get some sleep,” he simply said moving behind her to try the room doors that were on either sides of their bedroom. Finding one to be open, he went inside and closed the door leaving her standing by herself in the hallway.
Instead of heading for her room, she took the elevator that was on the far wall down to the ground floor and went into the den. She proceeded to put on the DVR of their wedding, crying incessantly as her mind went back to that time when they were so happy. Reaching for the box of tissues she blew her nose until it became sensitive to the touch.
She didn’t realize that she was no longer alone until someone took the remote out of her hands before pulling her against a firm warm wall. She felt his arms encircle her as he kissed her temple softly as if in consternation. She couldn’t stop the tears that flowed and dripped all over his white shirt.
They remained in that position, neither talking until her tears subsided as well as her hiccups. Sensing it was probably time to remove herself from his embrace, she made to get up but he held her firmly to him and she gave up her protest instead listening to the steady beat of his heart.