The living room was massive with a huge fireplace with a picture above it that she assumed were his parents. Before she could notice anything else, a couple got to their feet. The man was an older version of Patrick except for his graying temples and his black eyes, and the woman was stunningly beautiful with ash blonde hair and blue eyes much like her son’s.
“Mom and Dad, this is Carrie Maitland,” he said formally.
“Have a seat, my dear.” William waved her to one of the sofas, and she sat hastily before her knees buckled.
“I understand you are carrying the Copeland’s heir?” he asked her gruffly.
“Careful, Dad, you might just scare her out of marrying me.” Patrick had come over to sit on the arm of the sofa she was sitting on.
“I am sure you would like something to drink, my dear,” his mother said, and before she could respond, she signaled to a maid who had been hovering nearby.
“I have asked her to marry me,” Patrick told them.
“Good, good,” William Copeland said briskly. “My wife will take care of the planning. How does the end of September sound?”
“Do I get a say in anything?” Carrie found herself saying.
The couple looked at her in surprise probably wondering why she was saying anything at all.
“Of course, dear,” Linda said to her kindly, probably understanding that she was overwhelmed.
Carrie took a deep breath before plunging ahead. “I know I am not suitable as far as you all are concerned. I am an independent woman because I was brought up that way by my mother. I don’t want to go through this sham of a marriage to a man who thinks he is God’s gift to women.” She saw the glimmer of a smile on his mother’s face and the raised eyebrows on his father’s and felt the stiffening of the man beside her, but she continued. “I foolishly got myself into this situation and now there is a child involved. I am willing to throw away my contempt and disgust for the child’s sake and go ahead with this, but I refuse to sit by and let you turn it into a freaking circus! A small tasteful wedding is what will happen or I swear I will leave ‘Mr. Wonderful’ here standing at the altar and damned the consequences.”
The silence in the large living room was profound as the three people looked at her in amazement! Carrie felt herself trembling as she looked at them and wondered if she had gone too far. She opened her mouth to apologize, and Linda held up one elegant hand and stopped her. “Don’t spoil it now, my dear,” she said with a trace of amusement in her cultured voice as she looked from her furious son to her husband who was staring at the girl as if she had taken leave of her senses. “Okay, gentlemen, leave us ladies to discuss this tasteful and small wedding.”
There was a slight hesitation, but both men left them alone in the room. “Eat, my dear,” Linda suggested, gesturing to the tray the maid had brought in unobtrusively a few minutes ago. She poured the tea and passed it to Carrie and then made out a plate for her with tiny savory-looking sandwiches and delicious-looking pastries which she ate with gusto, the delicacies melting on her tongue. “The Copeland men are not accustomed to being addressed down like that, especially by a woman.” She sipped her tea delicately and watched the beautiful girl in front of her. Her clothes were inexpensive but tasteful and she carried herself well. She was going to make a strong wife to her forceful son and she will need to be. “It is not easy being married to one as well.”
“Are you trying to scare me?” Carrie asked her.
“I am forewarning you and telling you to stand up for yourself. The circle we belong to can be a vicious one, but don’t let anyone get away with walking over you,” Linda told her with a smile. “With that said, let us discuss the wedding.”
He took her home an hour later and did not say anything to her, but she felt him glancing at her every few minutes as they made their way to her apartment. He stopped outside her place and killed the engine. “When can I meet your mother?”
She looked at him surprised. His profile was to her, and she saw the growth of hair on his jaw and the way his jet black hair fell on his forehead. “Any time you want.” She took a deep breath. “I am going to have to talk to her first to prepare her.”
He turned and looked at her, his eyes thoughtful. “You are not a pushover, are you?”
“No,” she said, looking at him directly. “And never will be.”
He nodded and held her gaze for a moment. “You are going to need that spunk in the near future.”
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“Is that a warning or an advice?” she asked him coolly.
“Consider it a well meaning advice from Mr. Wonderful.” His blue eyes gleamed with mirth.
“Thank you kindly,” she said with an answering smile. He really could be charming when he wanted to be.
“Don’t think you can get away with speaking about me like that in the future,” he said, his blue eyes raked her insolently. And now he is back, she thought in resignation.
“As long as you respect me, I will do the same.” She patted his jaw and got out of the vehicle. Without saying goodbye, she walked up and opened her door, going inside, and closing it behind her.