The two men had sat there in almost silence throughout the entire meal. Carrie had finally been given a tour around the mansion and had marveled at the amount of rooms there were. The grounds had acres and acres of land leading up to a wooded area where a cabin nestled deep in the woods with a stream nearby. It looked so peaceful and serene that Carrie could not help but wish that they would be living there instead.
She had returned home early the next morning after she had spent the night with Patrick and had gone to her place to sleep for most of the day. He had not called her, and she was determined not to think about him too much. She had given up her apartment and had given her furniture away. He had told her arrogantly that she had no need to bring any clothes with her as an entire wardrobe had been ordered for her.
“Ready?” Sheryl asked her as she sat there staring at herself in the mirror. They were getting dressed at the manor with the men over on one side and the women over on the opposite side of the vast manor. She nodded and took one last look at the image in the mirror. She could hardly believe it was her! The makeup was flawless and her heavy curls were tamed somewhat and swept on top of her head in an elegant twist and curls with buds of white and cream flowers dotted at strategic places. She was wearing a beautiful ice diamond that nestled in her cleavage and matching drop earrings that had been handed to her by Linda just before she got dressed. “Copeland family tradition,” she had told Carrie. “It was given to me when I was getting married, and you will in turn hand them to your daughter when the time comes.”
Carrie’s hand went to her still flat belly as she thought about the child they had made. She nodded and, taking a deep breath, got to her feet and turned around.
“Honey, I have never seen a bride more beautiful than you are right now,” Sheryl said almost reverently.
“I second that,” Claudia said softly as she took her daughter’s arm. “Let’s go get you married.”
The chapel was a few miles away and the parking lot was already filled with vehicles when they got there. She was almost blinded by the flashes as the cameras went off the minute she stepped out of the limousine that had transported them. Several men materialized and warded off curious onlookers and the paparazzi as they tried to get as many pictures as they could of her.
Patrick straightened as he saw her coming up the aisle, his blue eyes darkening when he saw her. Christ! She was beautiful, he thought, feeling his body tightening in response. He nodded to her mother and took her arm. They repeated their vows, and not before long the ceremony was over, and they were declared husband and wife. Carrie looked down at the diamonds sparkling on her finger in a daze and realized that she was now Mrs. Patrick Copeland.
The reception was held in the vast hall at the manor with decorations in every corner of the room. The ceremony went off without a hitch and then it was time for their first dance as husband and wife.
He led her out to the dance floor and pulled her close to him as they made their way slowly around the room. “How does it feel?” he murmured against her hair.
“Like I am trapped in some sort of a weird dream. Kind of like Alice in Wonderland,” she told him honestly.
He chuckled in genuine amusement. “Does that make me the rabbit?”
“Maybe Knave of hearts,” she told him.
He tipped her chin up to look into her beautiful face. “Is that so?” His tone was silky. His eyes had darkened, and Carrie felt the weakness in her lower body. Before she could respond, his head lowered and he kissed her slowly and erotically, the kiss stirring up the desire inside her and had her shivering against him. It was a couple nudging against them that had him lifting his head.
“I think it’s about time I danced with my daughter-in-law, don’t you?” William Copeland asked him mildly.
With a brief nod, he released her into his father’s arms. “How are you, my dear?” William asked her solicitously.
“If you mean am I still pregnant, then the answer is yes,” she said before she could stop herself.
William stared down at her for a moment before smiling slightly. “I had forgotten how sharp your tongue is. I am not your enemy, my dear, and you had best remember that.”
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“How could I think otherwise?” she asked him silkily, not in the least bit intimidated. “I take it that you have seen the prenup I signed?”
“We have to protect ourselves,” he told her gruffly.
“From greedy grasping nobodies like us?”
“You have become someone now. You are a Copeland now.”
“I have always been someone and I will always be,” she told him as the song ended, and she went to dance with the best man, one of Patrick’s best friends, who told her that if he had seen her first, Patrick would not have stood a chance.