Chapter 12
Brent Patrick Copeland grew rapidly, and at two months old, he was a thriving and healthy baby boy, and Carrie was raring to go back to work! Patrick had told her that he wanted them to take a trip as a family, but she was wondering if perhaps it was too soon for Brent to travel. The snow had melted, and spring was in the air. The flowers were blooming, and the May month brought with it intermittent showers that left a fresh smell in the atmosphere. The gardeners were busy with the landscaping, and Carrie had taken to walking her son into the woods and up to the cabin that was there surrounded by the lush trees and babbling stream. Linda would come with her whenever she was available, and Patrick had had the men open up the cabin and the maids had cleaned it out thoroughly. It was a beautiful place with two bedrooms and a quaint old fashioned kitchen. The furnishings were old fashioned and slightly dingy.
“Patrick’s grandfather lived here with his wife before they decided to build the mansion.” Linda passed her hand over an antique rocking chair in one corner of the room, a smile playing about her lips. “I used to come here when William had gone to the office and pretend that I was an ordinary housewife and my husband was out in the field picking apples or some such nonsense, and I would have a hot meal waiting for him when he came home. Then we would snuggle up by the fire and make love until way into the night.”
Carrie tucked the blanket around her son firmly. He had just been fed and was drifting off to sleep, his blue eyes closing at odd times. She marveled at how beautiful he was, but his father was the most handsome man she had ever seen. “Why didn’t you go to work at the office?” she asked her mother-in-law curiously.
“Copeland wives are not supposed to work,” she said with a wave of her hand. “We are supposed to entertain and be the perfect hostess when needs be. You came and changed that,” she added with a smile.
“I am a working girl,” Carrie pointed out.
“I am from a family where I was brought up not to do anything manual but learned how to please my husband. Fat good that did me,” she said with a snort. “My husband ended up having affairs, and I sat by being the perfect wife and not wanting to make a scene.”
“But you are no longer that person.”
“Thanks to you, darling.” With a quick smile, she walked over and hugged the girl who had come to mean so much to her. William was so attentive these days, hurrying home to be with her, and they went everywhere together. They could barely manage to keep their hands off each other, and the lovemaking was astounding! She kept her hand around Carrie’s shoulder and looked down at her grandson. “We have so much to give thanks for,” she whispered, looking down at the sleeping baby.
“We do,” Carrie acknowledged quietly.
“How about going out to dinner tonight?” Patrick asked her as he knotted his tie. He had an early morning meeting but had been caught up with making love to her this morning and was running late. They had started going all the way since late April after he made sure she was on contraceptives and he could not seem to control himself around her. Even now looking at her in her lavender silk nightgown with the lace bodice made him want to rip it off her and drive himself deep inside her! Christ, the power she had over him!
She came in front of him, pushed his hands away, and expertly knotted the tie for him. She was not allowed to cook, which was fine with her because cooking was not really her thing, but these little things she loved to do, it made her feel like his wife. “That sounds good.” She stepped back a little to admire her handiwork and then came back into his arms.
“I am late for a meeting,” he told her huskily, putting his arms around her. “It’s a board meeting that has been called by Dad.” She had lost the fat she had gained during her pregnancy by religiously hitting the fully-equipped gym downstairs. He had even hired a personal female trainer for her, and she was now back to her original size.
“I have a feeling he is still here,” she murmured, bringing down his head to take his lips.
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“Carrie,” he moaned inside her mouth, his tongue touching hers and causing an explosion of desire to burst through them! It was twenty minutes before he could drag himself away!
He got to the office just as the meeting was about to start and learned that his father had just arrived. “Take messages,” he told his secretary briefly. “Except if the call is from my wife.”
He hurried into the huge conference room and took his seat at the head of the table with his dad at the other end. The board members were all male and all of them over sixty except one, a bright and upcoming MBA graduate who was going places. He was also the financial controller.
“Good morning, gentlemen,” William Copeland greeted them as soon as Patrick was seated. “Thank you for coming at such a short notice and this early in the morning. Blake, I know you have that doctor’s appointment at ten, and I promise that I will not be keeping you for very long.” He looked around the room and waited until the refreshments had been served. “I acquired this company from my father and managed, with the help of my son, to turn it into a billion dollar company. He is privy to what the young people want these days and his expertise in that area has served us tremendously well.” He paused at the scattering of applause around the table. “I have watched him grow during the years and especially since his marriage and have to say I admire his integrity and loyalty. I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I have discussed this with my wife in detail, and have come to the realization that I need to step down and hand over the title of CEO to my son, Patrick Copeland, and I am hoping that all of you here will support and work with him the way you have done with me over the years.”