Now she was here missing him like crazy!
“Darling, how about joining me in the sitting room and having lunch?” Linda asked her on Friday afternoon. She had done what she had told him and was staying home today. She had asked Marion to send her some emails she needed to deal with, but she could not work because she suddenly felt like crying which was ridiculous! It was not like he had been gone for long!
He had called her and woke her up at odd hours, apologizing when he did, but saying he wanted to make sure she was okay. “Patrick Copeland, you are disturbing my beauty sleep,” she had told him, trying to sound firm.
“You don’t need it,” he had told her with a grin.
“Why not? I cannot seem to concentrate on what I am doing anyway,” she said, heaving herself up from the chair in her sitting room. “You look a lot better since the other day,” Carrie observed as she waddled after her mother-in-law.
“I feel better.” Linda opened the doors for her, and she saw the meal already set out on one of the tables. It was her private sitting room and was very cheerful with peach and light green wallpapers and white antique furniture. “Sit, darling.” She pulled out a chair for her. “I had the maid bring the lunch in here suspecting you needed a break especially since you are missing your husband.” Linda eyed her shrewdly and poured some tea and passed it to her then sharing out some of the delicious beef stew for her. It had started snowing, and they could see the flakes coming down against the window panes.
“I do miss him,” Carrie admitted as she sipped her tea. Chamomile, she thought with a grimace, not really getting used to the taste of it.
“You love him.” It was a statement rather than a question, and Carrie looked at her for a moment and then shrugged.
“The secret is out,” she said lightly.
“It is safe with me.” Linda reached out to pat her hand. “You are like a breath of fresh air in this place, and I am so glad that he had that thing with you.”
“You mean the one-night stand we had?” Carrie asked her wickedly.
“I was trying to be diplomatic, darling,” Linda said with a laugh.
“I know,” Carrie murmured. “I really do love him in spite of his arrogance and his ‘I am in charge’ manner.”
“You do not let him get away with anything and that’s why he is so fascinated,” Linda murmured, eyeing the girl who had changed things around there in a big way. “If I was half the woman you are, things would not have gotten out of hand the way they did.”
“How is it now?” Carrie asked, knowing she was referring to what had happened with her husband and Sophia and maybe the past as well.
“We are working things out,” she said with a slow smile as she put her cup in her saucer. She could not very well tell the girl that their love life had been renewed and had gotten vigorous and very adventurous.
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“So am I,” she said with a smug smile.
“I would like you to come to airstrip with the driver tomorrow night to meet me,” Patrick told her as they spoke late that night.
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“You were the one who told me not to set foot outside the house in case the baby came early,” she reminded him as she munched on some delicious snacks the chef had sent up to the suite. If she continued eating the way she was, it was going to take a crane to get her out of the house, she thought wryly.
“I want you there, Carrie,” he said a little arrogantly. “Christ, I miss you.”
“I miss you too, and it’s your fault I cannot sleep in this big ass bed without you,” she complained.
“How is that my fault?” he asked her, clearly pleased that she had said that.
“Because you have made it so comfortable. I keep turning to reach for you and you are not here.”