“How about a glass of wine?”

“No.” He did not sit but remained standing. “I am afraid I have some disturbing news.”

“Oh?” She wrapped her robe around her tightly as she looked at him, her green eyes wary.

“I did something stupid some weeks ago, and I am afraid it has posed a situation that I cannot get out of.”

“What did you do?” she asked the question, but with a sinking heart, she already knew the answer.

“It was a one-night stand, but she is pregnant.”

Sophia felt the white hot anger inside her and felt like lashing out at him, but she was a lady and ladies of her standing did not give in to their emotions. She took a deep breath and walked over to him. “We all make mistakes, darling.” She touched him lightly on the arm. “She will just have to get rid of it and we will put it behind us.”

He recoiled from her in disgust, and she realized her mistake too late.

“I will be marrying her to give my child a home and my name.” he told her coldly. “You expect me to get rid of my own child?”

“I did not mean it like that.” She desperately tried to do some damage control but knew it was too late. “What about us?”

“There is no us, Sophia, especially not now,” he told her coolly, moving away from her. “I am sorry to put you through this.” With that, he turned and left the room leaving her there trembling with rage. She waited until his vehicle had driven away before she grabbed a soft expensive cushion and ripped it to shreds, screaming and beating her fists on the sofa. When she was finished, she reached for her phone and called Duke. “Please come over.”


Carrie was curled up on the sofa when he called her phone. She was just recovering from a bout of acute nausea and was resting when her phone rang. Her mother had asked her to come over for dinner, but she had given her a flimsy excuse, and Sheryl had called demanding that she call her back.

“I am outside your apartment,” he said without preamble.

“The door is open,” she told him wearily. He was absolutely the last person she wanted to see, but he was the only one who knew of her situation so he was strangely appropriate. She heard the door open and did not look up, her eyes closed.

“Do you always leave your door open?” he demanded as he came around to look at her.

“That’s none of your business,” she responded wearily.

“What’s wrong?” He stooped down in front of her, and she found her heart quickening as she looked at how handsome he was.

“My morning sickness has turned into a whole day sickness,” she said with a faint smile. “What can I do for you?”

“How often are you ill?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“Every day.”

“You did not tell me,” he said accusingly.

“What can you do about it?” she asked him wryly.

“Is there anything a doctor can do?”

“The free clinic gave me something for the nausea, but it’s not working.”

“You went to the free clinic?”

“Yes, Patrick, I went to the free clinic because I am not as wealthy as you are and I do not happen to have an unlimited amount of funds.”

“Get dressed,” he told her grimly.

“What for?”

“We are going to Doctor Whittingham.” He reached for his phone before she could say anything. “Yes, Henry, of course Dad should be by there this afternoon. I am planning on doing just that.” He paused. “I have a situation and I need your discretion. I have a girl who is pregnant and the nausea is ongoing. I also want you to be her doctor from now on. I will explain as soon as I see you.”

“Of course you are on first name basis with the top obstetrician in the country,” Carrie said with a shake of her head.

“An old family friend,” he told her briefly. He smiled slightly as he saw her pulling her robe closer to her and could not help but compare what she had on and how she behaved with Sophia. “Don’t you think it is a bit late for modesty? I have already seen you naked and tasted every inch of your delectable body,” he said sardonically.

His words sent a shiver all the way to her pubic area! “That was what got us into trouble in the first place,” she said faintly as she left him and went to her room, slamming the door behind her. She leaned weakly against the door for a moment and closed her eyes. Patrick Copeland was here in her tiny apartment and was going with her to the obstetrician. How her life had changed! She showered hurriedly and dressed in knee-length shorts and a thin cotton blouse, bundling up her hair on top of her head, securing it with a jeweled clip. She did not bother with makeup except for a pale glossy lip balm and then she was ready.