“I agree.” Linda looked at the girl who was soon to be her daughter-in-law and the mother of her grandchild with admiration. She was beautiful as well as brutally frank, and she had a feeling that she was going to change their household in a big way, not to mention their son. “No veil, Clarissa,” she told the woman from the boutique. “Just some flowers in her hair.”
He came home just as she was about to leave. She had just finished eating the snack that the maid had brought them and was about to take her leave when she looked up and saw him in the doorway. Her heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, and she remembered the last time they had been together and the mad passion they had experienced together. She had thought he would have come over or taken her out now that their engagement was announced, but she had only received a few personal phone calls. She schooled her features and gave him a cool nod as he came into the living room.
“I will leave you two alone,” Linda said as soon as she had greeted her son. “I will let you know about the rest of the arrangements, my dear, and remember we are having dinner with Carrie’s mother on Saturday.”
Patrick took off his dark blue suit jacket and loosened his red silk tie before coming to sit on the sofa beside her. “How are you?”
“I am fine.”
“Any nausea?” he persisted.
“Not really, the pills are working.” She waited for him to say something else.
“Good.” His eyes left hers to wander around the room and still she waited. He took a document out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her.
“What’s this?”
“A prenup. In case this thing goes to hell.”
Carrie had thought that the entire situation could not get much worse, but she was so wrong! After what they had shared some nights ago, the passion and the desire between them, she had never expected something as clinical as signing a piece of paper!
“If you would like a lawyer to look at it first to make sure you are not being treated unfairly-”
“Give me the damned paper!” she said, grabbing it from him. She opened it up and skimmed the five pages of legalese and settled on where she should sign. “A pen?” She held out a hand and he passed one to her silently, watching as she signed with a flourish. “Anything else?” she asked him sweetly. “Do you want me to sign a document saying that I will make sure to kiss your ass every chance I get?”
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The silence that followed her outburst was palpable, and she saw his eyes harden. Then something inside the room changed, and she stood up hastily, but she was too late! He got up swiftly and pulled her to him forcibly. “You have quite a mouth on you, don’t you?” he asked her in a sinister tone.
“Let go of me!” She pushed against his muscled chest in vain.
“Why should I?” he whispered as he brought her closer to him. With a groan, he bent his head and took her lips with his. Carrie sagged against him and returned the kiss with all the pent-up passion and desire she was feeling. Her fingers tightened around his light blue shirt as she sank into the kiss. Her entire body tingled as he brought her closer to him, his hands roaming her body restlessly.
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Saturday the 30th of September was slightly cloudy and overcast. The weather forecast had predicted rain, and Carrie could not help but think that it matched the mood she was in. Her mother had met them for dinner at the manor and the two mothers had gotten along fairly well as they discussed the wedding.