“As my assistant, baby,” he persuaded as he came around to pull her into his arms. “My wife working side by side with me, how cool is that?” he asked, nuzzling her neck.
“We would never get anything done and you would get on top of my nerves,” she pointed out, feeling the tingle as his lips touched her bare skin.
“An office next door and totally professional conduct.” He turned her around and lifted her chin. “I promise to be on my best behavior. You are highly qualified or I would not be suggesting this.”
“Full salary and all the benefits including stock options,” she told him.
“You drive a hard bargain, darling,” he said with a grin. “But yes, of course.”
“A contract drawn up as well and a letter of employment stating what my job description will be,” she continued tongue in cheek.
He looked at her narrowly. “You are pushing it.”
She wrapped her hands around his neck. “Just being professional, darling.”
“Okay, fine,” he grumbled as he bent his head and took her lips with his. They had left the door open, and his secretary, who had moved over with him, stood there wondering if she should retreat. She was turning away when Patrick lifted his head and saw her there. “Yes?”
“Sorry to disturb you, Patrick,” she said with a slight blush. “But you have an international call, the one you have been expecting.”
“Thanks, Marsha,” he said with a nod, keeping a hold on his wife. “Oh, and get the decorators in to remodel the office I used to occupy. My wife has kindly agreed to be my assistant.”
He kissed her hard on the lips before letting her go. “You need to go and let Marion know you have been promoted.”
She looked at him wryly. “I am working the rest of the week with Marion. We are working on a campaign. I am not going to leave her high and dry.”
“You are offering me a job?” Sheryl looked at her in amazement. They were having lunch at the fancy café near to the company. Sheryl had been complaining to her that she and her husband could hardly make two ends meet and the store was thinking of letting people go because of the uncertain economy.
“Double what you are earning now with full medical and dental benefits and a chance to grow,” Carrie told her with a grin as she sipped her latte. It was a beautiful June afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly.
“What would I be doing?” Sheryl asked her dazed, rapidly calculating how much she would be working.
“Being my secretary.” She shrugged as her friend looked at her sharply.
“I have no secretarial training.”
“We have an in-house training program which you would benefit from. Gone are the days when you sit and type reports, honey, and I promise to be gentle with you.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because you are my friend and I want to help,” Carrie told her frankly. “I have this amazing life that I find it hard to believe and I want to extend a hand, and besides I need a secretary and one I can trust.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Sheryl whispered.
“Say yes, so I don’t have to go looking for a total stranger.”
“Yes, and thanks so much.”
“Don’t thank me yet. It’s going to be a lot of work,” Carrie said with a grin.
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“How is my big boy?” She tickled her son under the chin lightly. She was sitting on the sofa in his nursery, smelling his heavenly baby scent as he had just been given his bath and was fed. She had come home before Patrick because he had a meeting with the board, and she had decided not to wait for him. “Thanks, Sally,” she told the middle aged black woman with a smile as she handed her a blanket to put on her shoulder. “I will put him to bed so you can retire for the night.”
The woman nodded and smiled before leaving the room.
Carrie had taken off her jacket and her shoes and cradled the baby against her as she rocked him to sleep. He hardly got up during the nights and was sleeping straight through, which she found she missed as she loved having him in her room during the night, leaning back against her husband as she breastfed him. Now, he barely took her bre*st anymore, leaning more towards the bottle. “Daddy is working late tonight, but he will be home shortly,” she murmured, placing a kiss on his smooth forehead. “Yes, darling, I miss him too and wish he would hurry up and come home. But he is the big CEO and has a lot of responsibilities, so we have to see it through with him. His birthday is coming up in June, and we are planning on taking him out to dinner, aren’t we?” She smiled as she looked down at her son, who was fast asleep. “Typical male,” she whispered. “Falling asleep while a female pours her heart out.”
“I would never do that,” her husband’s deep voice came from the doorway causing her to jump slightly.
“Patrick Copeland!” she said softly, her dark eyes gleaming as he came into the room. “I thought you would be later than this.”