“Try and remember that when one of those greedy little rich bi*ches thinks she can hone in on the father of my unborn child,” she told him smoothly as she used the pad to clean off her makeup.
“Not to mention your husband.” He stood behind her. She was so acutely aware of him that her body started to tremble. Sheryl was right! She had fallen in love with him! God help her!
“That too.” She forced her tone to be light.
“Don’t worry, darling, what we share in bed or in the garage is incomparable.” He nuzzled her neck, and she leaned back against him.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” she asked him huskily.
“Not just yet.” He turned her around and started to undress her. “Right now, I have things to do with my wife.”
She did not watch television. After he had left, she had found herself restless and missing him. He had ravaged her inside the bathroom and they had showered together with him sponging her body and using his mouth to lick the water from off her.
She left the room and decided to go and find Linda. Her mother-in-law had been looking a little distracted lately, and even though the circumstances under which she had married her son were unusual, she found that she actually liked the woman. She was not so sure how she felt about her father-in-law.
Linda was sitting curled up in the living room and staring into the hypnotic blaze of the fire. She looked up as she heard Carrie and forced a smile to her lips. “I had forgotten that you did not go to the function.”
Carrie took a seat opposite her mother–in-law and looked at the woman searchingly. “I find it strange that you have not gone.”
“I just needed a little time out,” she said with an elegant shrug as she settled back against the sofa. She pulled her burgundy silk robe together and clasped her hands on her lap.
“What’s wrong?” Carrie asked her quietly.
“Nothing, darling, just a little tired.”
“Linda, I know I am not your typical daughter-in-law, but I happen to be a woman and I know when a woman is hurting. Why don’t you find out for a fact if what you suspect is true?”
“What?” Linda looked at her in shock.
“So, my guess is correct.” She sighed heavily. “I know that your society is different from the one I came from. You get married because it is the right match and you turn a blind eye when you suspect your husband is cheating, but obviously you cannot do that, so my advice is you need to do something about it.”
“Like what?”
“Like confront his ass about it!” She stopped as Linda laughed. “I am sorry. I am so used to speaking my mind that it happens all the time.”
“Don’t apologize on my behalf, it’s actually very refreshing,” Linda told her quietly. “In my circle, honesty is never the best policy.” She sighed and looked down at her hands. “I was always able to look past him being unfaithful because I knew it would fizzle out eventually, but this time it seems to be serious. I have grown to love him over the years, and I cannot afford to lose him.”
“God! Men, they are so dense!” Carrie said with a shake of her head. “I am not as contained as you are I am afraid. If I found out for one minute that Patrick was cheating, I would cut off his pe*is and stuff it in his mouth.”
Linda stared at the girl in shock and then suddenly she burst out laughing!
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“Maybe not cut it off really but knick it a little bit,” she said with a grin.
“You are priceless,” Linda said with a gasp, delighted with her. “I am happy that you are married to my son.”
“Thanks,” Carrie said with a smile. “Now, Linda, what are you going to do about the problem?”
Patrick was bored and restless and kept looking around the large room overflowing with people to see if his wife was there. Even the conversation with his friends sounded inane and foolish, and on top of that, he had glimpsed Sophia hovering nearby. He was thankful she had not come over to where he was. He had to admit that he had dodged the bullet there and was glad he had been saved from marrying her. He sipped his champagne and looked around the room for his dad and saw him talking to some associates of theirs. He frowned a little bit as he saw how the man kept looking around the room. He had been leaving the office almost every day to take off, and Patrick wondered cynically which skirt he was currently chasing. He had grown up with the edict that it was acceptable to have a mistress or two when you were married and the wives were okay with it as long as they were kept in the style they were accustomed to. To his surprise, he had never thought about being with someone other than Carrie, and he found out that he never stopped thinking about her. He smiled slightly as he remembered what she had told him earlier this evening if he ever cheated on her. He felt a slight touch on his jacket and turned to see Melanie, a two time divorcee whom he had slept with on several occasions. She had reddish blonde hair and a sultry look about her, brown eyes, and a beautiful face. She had been a very voracious lover but had gotten too possessive, so Patrick had quickly told her goodbye.