“Darling, you are all alone tonight?” she purred, her red lips parting in a smile. She was wearing a green dress with a plunging neckline hardly managing to cover her generous bosom.
“Yes,” he told her briefly. Her expensive perfume was anything but subtle and was suffocating him. “My wife was feeling a little tired.”
“The poor dear,” she murmured, coming closer. “How about we leave here and you take me to my apartment for a drink?”
“Not even if I was dying of thirst,” he told her bluntly. “Excuse me.”
Melanie watched him walk away and felt the fire of his rejection burning in her gut. With a smile pasted on her lips, she went to find another more willing partner.
They left discreetly, making sure that they were not seen together. He drove behind her to her apartment, and Sophia could hardly wait until they got inside the house.
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“I have to go,” he told her as he made a move to push her off him. It was almost twelve and he wondered what he was going to tell Linda.
“I want you to stay the night.” She clasped her hands tight around his neck.
“You know I cannot do that, Sophia,” he said impatiently as he tried to ease her away.
“Please, William, I am in love with you.” She started kissing him all over his body.
He pushed her away from him. “You don’t know what you are saying,” he said as he reached for his pants. “I am old enough to be your father for crying out loud!”
“You are not leaving!” she screamed and launched herself at him, scraping him on the jaw.
He pushed her away, and she fell backwards. He felt something sticky and knew it was blood. “You bi*ch!” he said harshly. “How am I going to explain this to my wife?”
He went into the bathroom to get something to put on it and saw the marks there. The blood had congealed, and with a grimace, he reached for a towel and wet it and started wiping it. The mark stood out against his skin and he knew he had some explaining to do.
“I am sorry,” she sobbed and threw herself into his arms. “I just want you to stay.”
He pushed her away and finished dressing. “Grow up!” he sneered. “I am not leaving my wife for you.” With that, he slammed out of the apartment, leaving her there sobbing and naked!
Patrick left the function and came home. His heart thudded when he saw she was sitting up in bed and reading.
“Back so soon?” she asked him with her brows raised.
She was propped up on some pillows, the lamp throwing a soft glow on her smooth complexion. She was wearing a teal blue nightgown and looked like a s*xy teenager. “It was no fun without you,” he told her with a grin.
He undressed and climbed into bed with her pulling her into his arms. “You are starting to grow on me,” he added casually as he rested his head on her curls.
“I tend to have that effect on people,” she said equally as casual, her heart beating fast. “I guess it’s my charm.”
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“What charm?” he asked with a chuckle.
That night, he made love to her with a tenderness that had her shivering in his arms, and afterwards he held her close while they slept.
William groaned inwardly as he entered their suite and realized that his wife was still up. She was seated around her elegantly carved secretary and looked as if she was responding to some invitations. He had wanted to just creep into bed and be out before she woke up the next morning, but it was not to be.
“There you are, darling,” she said calmly, putting aside her felt tip pen. “I need to talk to you.”