Chapter 7

William had no idea how he was going to tell Sophia that he could not see her again. He was still hooked on her and he did not want to stop seeing her, but he realized that he was treading into somewhere that was getting out of hand! She had told him she was in love with him and she did not want him to leave, and as much as he was fiercely attracted to her, he could not afford for her to mess up his marriage and he could not afford the scandal. He was friends and associate with her parents for crying out loud! They were members of the same club and it getting out that he was screwing her would cause a lot of damage to his business and his reputation. He had been on his son about spreading his seed all over the place and now he was the one who was doing it. He had not called her since that night and had not gone to see her even though she had kept calling. Her last message earlier today had him a bit on edge: “William, I know you are avoiding me and I am sorry for what happened the other night. I was not myself. Please, I need to see you because I think I might be pregnant.”

“Marsha, cancel my meeting with the sales team. I have to go out for a little bit,” he told his secretary with a forced smile as he reached for his jacket. The offices would be closing for the Christmas holidays in a couple of days so they were very busy tying up things for the year.

He drove one of the less conspicuous vehicles and prayed that his wife did not have a private investigator on his tail. He had called and told her he was on his way and she had told him she was at home.

He parked a few blocks up the road and walked the rest of the way. The gate swung open as soon as he reached it, and he knew she had been looking out for him.

He pulled his coat closer to him and hurried forward to get out of the biting cold. She opened the door for him and his heart started pounding as he realized that she was naked underneath the sheer blue silk robe she had on. Her blonde hair was brushed back from her face and flowed down her back, and her nipples were clearly visible beneath the fabric. “Darling, I missed you,” she said tearfully, going into his arms. He held her against him reluctantly but when she lifted her head and tried to kiss him, he resisted.

“What do you mean you might be pregnant?” he asked her harshly.

“I made a mistake, darling. I was feeling a bit nauseous, but I got my period this morning,” she murmured, looking up at him beneath her lashes.

“What the hell are you playing at, girl?” he asked her roughly. There was a faint mark where she had scratched him.

“I can’t bear for you to leave me, William. I am in love with you.” She pulled the robe and let it fall.

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With a decisive movement, he fixed himself up and went back to find her curled on the carpet, her arms wrapped around her body.

“I am leaving,” he said, determined not to be swayed by anything she said. “We cannot see each other again, Sophia. As much as I really enjoyed what we have been doing, it stops now.” She did not respond, and he hesitated a moment before he said, “Well, goodbye.”


The next day, he heard the news! She was in a private hospital as she had tried to end her own life. Her maid had found her with her wrists slit and had called the police and ambulance. A few minutes later and she would have bled to death.

Her father was the one who called him with the distressing news while they were having breakfast. “William, I wanted to tell you before you heard it elsewhere. Sophia tried to kill herself.” He had to school his expression as the news hit him.

“Where is she, Luke?” he asked the man.

He told him where she was and hung up saying he needed to speak to the doctors.

“What happened?” Linda asked him as soon as he got off the phone. He told her.

“How dreadful!” Linda exclaimed. “What could have driven her to that?”

Carrie looked at her husband curiously to see his reaction and was relieved when there was only genuine concern. “Is she going to make it?” she asked William.