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It was a sloppy mess to clean up, but, luckily, Erik had an adjoining bathroom in his room. When their skin and sheets were clean and dry, they cuddled together, Jalisa wrapped up in his arms.
“You could stay here,” he whispered. “Nikita, too, of course.”
“Of course,” she answered. “But you mentioned something about this being a hub for the mafia. What exactly goes on here?”
“Distribution, mainly, and storage. Don’t go prowling around down there, but you know the room you first step into when entering from the employee’s’ door?” he said.
“The one with all the storage crates?” She waited until he nodded. “Yes, I know it.”
“One of those crates is empty. When you open it up, the bottom is removed and a trap door is under there. Inside the trap door is a whole underground to The Semya. It’s set up as a drug and illegal alcohol manufacturing ring.” He paused.
“We’re living above that?” Jalisa gawked. “We have to get Nikita out of there! But you said they store the stuff here?”
“Yes. The product is kept here where it is packaged and sent out to wherever it needs to go. Most of it stays in Los Angeles or California, but some goes as far as Ireland. I do have another idea.”
“Let’s hear it,” Jalisa said. No matter what, she would not have Nikita living somewhere with drugs present. Too many people have fallen into the devil’s hands because of chemical addiction.
“You and Nikita go back to The Semya, pack up all of your belongings, and flee. We stay the night at a hotel so that you two aren’t around mafia business. In the morning, we go to an apartment in another city and put down money for it. I’ll give you a good reference from the bar I technically own and you can get a job. We’ll move forward from there.” He held her close.
“But our IDs,” she said. “A man Marie put me in touch with is making us fake documents for us to start a new life. If we run before he’s done with them, we will have to find someone else to make them. I don’t have those kind of connections.”
“I do. Don’t worry about the IDs. We’ll figure it out. The most important thing is that we get you and Nikita out of there as soon as possible.” He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. After pressing a few buttons, he showed Jalisa a hotel room on the screen. “I’m making a reservation here. You check in at the hotel under my name. I’ll call them ahead of time to make sure they know that you are coming so they won’t give you any trouble. I’ll meet you the following morning and we’ll run away together.”
An hour later, Jalisa and Nikita were back at The Semya. Jalisa had briefed Nikita on the plan in the car. They tried to act natural as they walked in, even stopping to make small talk with Marie. After Jalisa lied and said she had to go upstairs and take a bath before work, the two girls shut themselves in their room.
It was hard deciding what to take. The things they came in with were going with them, of course, but what of the stuff Marie bought them? Some of the things, like the nightstand were too bulky or heavy to take with them, but Jalisa felt it was a shame to leave the smaller items. After all, Marie bought them for Jalisa and Nikita with no intention of having Jalisa pay her back.
In the end, the girls stuffed their packs with the clothing Marie bought them. With everything packed up and ready to go, it was time to depart. Throwing on winter coats, the girls kneeled next to their beds and prayed.
“Dear heavenly father, we pray that you will allow this plan to go smoothly and shield us with your hand.” Jalisa paused for Nikita to pick up where she left off.
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“Guide us with your will and show us the true path laid out before us. Protect us and help us stay safe and happy.” Nikita’s voice sounded mature for her age when she prayed.
“Bless us and bless Erik for helping us. May he find his way back to you. Amen.” Jalisa brought her head up.
“Amen.” Nikita followed suit and they exited their room, hand in hand.
It was too dangerous to go out the front door where Stone or Marie might see them, so the two descended down the steps. Jalisa looked intently at the storage crates, trying to figure out which one was different. It didn’t matter now that they were getting out, but she was still curious. In the back on the left-hand side, one crate sat lower than the others, its bottom slats removed. She made a mental note of where it was just in case.
Turning to the door where Nikita was waiting nervously, Jalisa pulled out her nail-polish painted keys and attempted to open the set of locks. The locks were color coded as well so that people with keys could get in and out easier, but these locks were bright silver and gold. There wasn’t a patch of peeling nail polish in sight. Shivers going up her spine, a large hand clamped around her mouth.