Two days later, Erik was in the back of a truck he didn’t own with a loaded gun. The truck swerved wildly all over the road, reaching triple digit speeds. The sound of sirens and gun shots blasted in his ears. A pull of the trigger, and the police car chasing them spun out. Another pull, another police car gone. Another pull and another one. Over and over until they were home free.

The rush was amazing. There was nothing quite like the thrill of getting away. It was the only thing that made him feel alive, truly alive, since seeing his brother die. The pulling of a trigger. The deliverance of vengeance. The power to inspire fear. It was an instant addiction.

Originally, it had been a suicide plan, a way to end his pain without being sent straight to hell. Work in the most dangerous positions and maybe he’ll end up getting shot. Next, it was about the tingle of victory shooting up his spine. Then it was about the challenge.

He was damn good at his job. Wild and numb to the pain he was inflicting on others, he climbed the ranks very easily. It wasn’t long before he was orchestrating his own jobs, in charge of his own men. They carved out a piece of Russia, and everyone knew it was theirs. Then, Russia wasn’t big enough. Erik began coordinating international deals with Ireland and, eventually, America.

It was through these trades with America that he met Stone. After moving tons and tons of drugs, covering up crimes, and protection racketeering together for about a year, the two met in New York for a weekend. It was the first time Erik had been to America. He was captivated and wished to stay in America for as long as possible. Within the next week, he was putting down money for a house.

Erik couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment his faith soured into a bitter agnostic nothingness. He could recall the exact moment he realized it had happened, though. Boxing things up to take with him to America, he came across the family Bible his mother had given him. Written on the inside of the front cover was a note from his mother promising him a place in her home and her heart for as long as she was alive. Tucked in between its worn out pages was one of the only photos of them as a family. His brother’s smiling face burned a hole in his heart. Erik left it sitting in a drawer in Russia.

That was six years ago. Erik was a different person now. He no longer craved the power and the violence. He was looking for a way out, a new life. He hoped Jalisa would be part of this new life. So far, she was shocked by his story, but did not look disgusted.

“You killed people,” Jalisa said breathlessly. She sat slumped back in the chair, blinking her eyes slowly in disbelief.

 “Yes. Many.” Erik’s jaw tensed. “Not any recently, though. I no longer conduct that kind of business.”

“But you’re still in the mafia.” Jalisa raised one slim eyebrow.   

“I am leaving the mafia. In fact, I will be physically leaving the mafia,” Erik hinted. “I would have already left, but there is a very important woman here.”

“I assume you are speaking about me.” Jalisa was still in shock, and his flattery was not as effective as he wanted it to be.

“Of course.” He stood up from the table and made his way to her. Erik kneeled on the ground in front of her and clutched her hands in his.

“I…don’t know what to do,” she whispered. “I can’t have a boyfriend who is in the mafia. I can’t have a boyfriend who kills people and peddles drugs. I can’t. That goes against everything I believe in…but…” She bit her full bottom lip.

“But?” he prodded.

“It feels so right.”

“Please, Jalisa. Know that all my sins are in the past. I feel like we are the future. I want us to work. Please, give this relationship a chance. Give me a chance.” He looked deep into her eyes. Jalisa realized her vision was blurry before she realized that she was crying.

“You…have no idea what this means to me.” Jalisa sniffled. “I would love for us to be together.”

“Do you really mean it? I know mafia men can be scary, but I don’t want you to think that you have to be in a relationship with me. You have free choice here. No matter if you chose to be with me or not, I swear on all I love, I will find a way to get you out of here.” Erik brought her hands up to his lips and pressed one small kiss on each of her fingertips before nuzzling into her hand.

“You are…kind and smart and handsome and generous and strong and passionate and dependable…and…you make my heart thump and my hands shake…and… my insides…hot…” Jalisa voice trailed off as she realized he was watching her lips move.

“Jalisa,” he whispered, his voice low. “It would make me the happiest man in the world to kiss you right now.”

Unable to speak, she meekly shook her head. He waited for a moment and then he was upon her.

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“Are you sure?” he asked one more time.