You can read Her Asian Billionaire’s Perfect Match free below.
A Black woman, Asian man, billionaire pregnancy romance book. For Leonie, love is something only found in fairy tales. Despite running a matchmaking service, where she devotes her time to sparking romance for those over 50, the irony of her own skepticism about love isn’t lost on her.
But everything she once thought about love is about to be thrown out the window. Billionaire John Masaki is keen to check out Leonie’s service for his mother, making sure it’s legitimate before he signs her up.
Never in his dreams did he think he’d find his own perfect match in Leonie! Will Leonie find the courage to reconsider her beliefs and embrace a life she never thought she’d have—marriage? Find out in this BWAM romance story by Mary Peart.
Chapter 1
“So Ms. Williams why don’t you tell the listeners why ‘Finding love in Prime’ is such a success and why women and men fifty and over are fighting to register?” The reporter was a middle-aged attractive African American herself and had confided to Leonie before the start of the interview that she was recently divorced and was looking to find herself husband number two.
“Are you sure you want to go through that again?” Leonie had asked her politely, just barely controlling her impulse to tell her that a failed marriage does not mean she should try a second time.
“Absolutely my dear!” The woman had smiled, her perfectly made up face lighting up with the smile. “I aim to prove to that jerk that I am as attractive as I was the first time we started going out.”
Leonie had not responded.
“As the name suggests; it is finding love in the prime of your life, it’s telling you that you are not over and done with when you reach fifty and over but your life is actually just beginning.” Leonie used her most practiced smile. “As a matter of fact we tend to put it like this: You are at an age where the mistakes have been made and immaturities have been honed into maturity and now you realize what went wrong before. It sets the stage for a perfect second chance.”
“And I could not have said it better myself.” The reporter beamed. “No wonder the middle aged men and women have been flocking this place.” She nodded to the camera to cut the feed as she put away her notes. “Now about that form for me to fill out,” she said with a mischievous smile.
Leonie went into her office and closed the door behind her. The interview had lasted fifteen minutes but it had seemed like fifteen days. She had only agreed to do it because her assistant and best friend Simoniel had told her that it would be good for the company. It had taken a supreme effort for her to smile at the camera and pretended that she was all about love and marriage especially at an age where people would be retiring from such nonsense.
She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her temples with her fingertips. It was coming on again; the headache that plagued her each time she had to make some comment about her company. It had been started by her mother five years ago as a lark when her husband and Leonie’s father had walked out on them two years before that when Leonie had just started her degree in English Literature. He had left without a forwarding address, saying that marriage did not suit him anymore. It had left both women devastated and spinning in the wind and as her mother had said: “If anyone had told me he was unhappy I would have told them it was a blatant lie!” Her mother had left her the company to run when she had married and gone off to Italy to live with her new husband.
She was getting tired of pretending and since she was the face of the company she had to do the interviews. “You look great on camera,” Simoniel had told her firmly. “With that face and that body you are a sure sell.”
She glanced at the desk clock and discovered to her surprise that it was already a quarter to twelve, that meant updating the profiles of the women to find a suitable match for the men who had signed up and she had a lunch meeting with a potential client.
“How about this one?” Simoniel handed her a file that was not too thick with a photo of a charmingly handsome middle aged Caucasian man on the front.
“It says here he has been divorced twice and is now looking for the love of his life.” She raised beautiful dark brown eyes to her friend who was seated on the edge of the desk. “This does not look good Sim, you know how I feel about them being married multiple times and come on! He is looking for the love of his life? What is he twenty?”
“The problem with you is you are too cynical,” her friend said dryly, taking the file from her grasp. “But I agree with you this time. He sounds kind of creepy and such a pity, he is so cute. It says here he is a doctor.”
“Even doctors can be creeps.” Leonie said wryly. “I will have Bates check him out some and see if he has a dirty little secret.” She said referring to their Private Investigator.
“I hope he comes up clean. I have Ms. Mary-Ann Johnston who is dying to be Mrs. Doctor so and so.” She caught her friend’s stare. “Don’t worry; she is a widower and the sweetest woman you have ever met. She was married to a pharmacist who dropped dead of a heart attack two years ago. The mourning period has been officially met.”
“That’s one of the reasons why we should make sure that we do not set her up with a creep clothed in a doctor’s robe.” Leonie said grimly. She opened the file and looked at the picture of a smiling Mary-Ann whose slightly plump cheek looked to be glowing with fresh outdoors health. She was fifty-three but looked a comfortable fifty with slightly graying blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “She has two children grown and gone to live in other states and she has been a homemaker all her life. She looks too gullible and eager to fall for anyone in pants.”
“That’s harsh,” Simoniel looked at her friend skeptically. She knew the girl’s hang ups when it came to love and marriage and had seen her fall apart when her father had left. She had watched her slowly build up a barricade over her heart when it came to matters of the heart. What made it so sad was that she was so beautiful. She had men coming on to her every few seconds, even those she signed up but she only showed politeness and barely contained contempt. “Your bias is showing.”
“I am just being truthful,” she closed the file and handed it back to her friend. “Can you handle it? I have several on my desk that I want to deal with personally.”
“Of course,” Simoniel slid off the desk. She was the exact opposite to her friend. Whereas Leonie was tall, curvaceous and classically beautiful with shoulder length dark hair, caramel skin and large dark brown eyes and full lips, Simoniel was petite and a little on the plump side with dark chocolate skin and flashing dark brown eyes which were her best features. She wore her hair short in a neat afro and was happily married with a two year old son. They had been friends since they were little girls and were very close. “You know honey; you are closing yourself off from love. You need to let go of the past and put yourself out there or else you are going to end up a lonely old lady with a bunch of cats.”
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“I doubt that is going to happen,” Leonie said with an amused quirk of her tapered brow. “I have you and Daniel and little Danny, don’t I,” she said referring to her friend’s entire family.
“Of course you do,” Simoniel said poking out her tongue. “Speaking of which: I am inviting you to dinner this Sunday and before you start finding all kinds of excuse, I will have you know that Danny has personally asked if ‘Aunty Lee’ will be coming over.”
“That’s really low even for you.” Leonie gave her friend a gimlet stare. “I’ll be there; you know little Danny is the only guy I cannot resist.”
“That’s really sad,” her friend said with a shake of her head as she left.
With a smile, Leonie went back to studying the files on her desk. She took up the form that the news reporter had left for her. Her name was Sandra Lee Phillips and her marriage had lasted ten years before it had disintegrated due to the fact that she was not able to have children. Ten years and then to discover that the man who promised to stay with you in sickness and health just up and go! She had seen so much of this kind of thing happening that it had only cemented what she already knew. Marriages were not meant to last so why go into something that was going to tear you apart eventually? And to bring children into something like that, it was very selfish and heartless. She was single and liking it, no matter what her friend says.