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An interracial, vampire romance book. You know all those romantic vampire stories about a human woman falling in love with a vampire? Well, let me just say it’s not so great in real life. That supposedly sexy vampire turned out to be a real jerk and ended up making me into a vampire instead.

Now I’m running from the very vampires responsible for my cursed existence as I grapple with an insatiable thirst for blood! With nowhere else to go to I find hope in one vampire different from the others…

Donte, who brings a flicker of love in my bleak existence. But still, the question lingers… Can his love really break through the shadows engulfing my life? Find out in this paranormal, vampire romance story by Mary T Williams.

A Vampire To Love cover small

Chapter 1

I didn’t know where to go next.  I looked at Donte with confusion present on my face.  He smiled at me, but I could tell that he was trying to figure out what to say.  Our only hope of changing back into something different was gone, and he was worried about where the next location to go was.

“Are you all right Alice?” he asked.

I could tell that he could see through my poker face.  A feeling of worry coursed through me.  I left my ex behind and was now with Donte.  I do care about him, but I don’t know how much more of this I would be able to take.  Of course, there was probably something else to do, but I didn’t know where to go.  I wanted to figure out how to change so that we could go back to a normal life, but I had no idea how.

“What do you suppose we should do next?” I asked.  He might have a better idea of where to go.

“I honestly have no idea where the next person is.  I want to find them though, for that might be our ticket out of this place.  We might be able to turn back if we find the right person,” he replied.  I know it was something that might not come about, but it was worth a shot.  Maybe, he might be able to think of a better way to fix this, and I might be able to figure out where to go with this.

“Is there anyone that can help us?” I asked.

“There might be one, but I have to take a look at the location once again.  It’s been forever since I’ve talked to this person, but from what I know it might be better for us if we go there.  They might be able to give us at least a bit of assistance, and in the best scenario we would be able to turn back,” he explained.

I would love to turn back, but then when I thought about it, other thoughts started to plague my mind.  What would happen once we turned back?  Would we be able to keep up this relationship?  Or was this one based off of a little occurrence in a dungeon a while ago.  Was he only using me in order to get himself back to his human form?  Would he leave me in order to find something else out there?  I didn’t think so, but the worry did invade my mind and make me feel nervous.

“Who do you think would be able to help out?” I asked.

“Well, there were rumors of another person in Montana who might be able to help us.  They live out in the middle of nowhere though, so it might be a problem when it comes to finding them.  I don’t know the exact location, but I think a little bit of internet research should do the trick,” he explained.

I listened to him, interested in what was going to happen next.  Maybe there was a savior out there for us.  

“I think that’s our best bet.  But where would we go to find a computer?” I asked.

“I think there’s a library in town.  I don’t know for sure, but I think that we might be able to at least get a bit of information there.  Worst comes to worst, I’m a good haggler so I can ask someone in exchange for a bit of help with things,” he replied.

I know that Donte had this covered, but I was still nervous about what would come about with this.  We might have to be on the run for a while.  We were in the middle of some mountain pathway, but if those vampires were on our tail, we might have more problems than we imagined.  I know that Raphael was out there, watching us in an attempt to see our next move.  I didn’t want to worry about that, I had bigger things to worry about.  One of them was the fact that we needed to find some person who could change us back.  I kept feeling an urge too, a feeling inside of me that was driving me crazy.

I felt dizzy, and as we walked I tried to keep myself under control.  I could feel the control starting to slip away a tiny bit, and when that happened, I knew that something was wrong.  I needed help, and I needed someone to save me.  And fast.

“Are you okay Alice?  You look paler than usual,” he said.

“I don’t know.  I feel dizzy.  And I feel like I need to eat something.  I have a crazy taste for blood right now,” I replied.

“Sh*t.  It’s the blood urge,” he explained.

The blood urge?  What the hell was that?  I just wanted a taste of some blood, and I wanted it now.  I don’t know what was going on, but I felt like it was slowly eating away at me and driving me insane.

“What do you mean?  What’s a blood urge?” I asked.

“It’s something that new fledglings get.  You’re supposed to have more blood than usual.  I’m an older vampire, so I don’t need to have as much blood as you do due to the fact that my body has adapted to the fact that I’m a member of the undead.  That’s a problem for us though; I don’t want you going into town and trying to bite the neck of a shopkeeper and su*king them dry.  That’s not a way to get the information that we need,” he explained.

Isn’t that the truth.  I don’t want to have that be the first impression that I give to a random stranger.  No way in hell.  I needed to figure out a way to control this, or else I was going to be screwed.  I didn’t want my first impression to new people to be one where I accidentally kill them.  That’s only going to make thing worse, and I know that they won’t want us in town.

“Sh*t.  So what do we do?” I asked.

“Well, the best thing to do at this point is to get you some blood.  I might have some on me,” he said.

Why the hell would Donte have blood on him?  Does this happen a lot to people?  I was confused, but I know that he meant well.  I wanted to find out more, but as I was about to ask, he gave me a bag of red liquid.  I think it was blood, and when I smelled it, the bag did smell like that.  I guess it had to be it.

I decided to drink it right then and there.  No sense in waiting for me to have it.  I know that the other vampires were hot on our trail, and it wasn’t smart to di*k around.  I drank it in a quick manner, which surprised even me.  I drank it fast, and after a moment I let out a small belch.  I blushed, my face red with shock at the noise that came out of my mouth.  Thankfully, Donte didn’t think twice about it.  Maybe it was normal for him to hear something like this.  That or he’s comfortable with me making unsettling noises like that.

“All done.  Thanks for that.  I already feel better,” I said.

“I’m glad.  Thanks for telling me.  I know that if we did let you in town, they probably would’ve staked you if they found out you killed one of their people.  I would rather not make any enemies at this moment.  Besides the ones that we already have, of course,” he replied.

I nodded in assent.  There was no use in trying to piss off more people.  I would rather have more allies on our side anyways.  Plus, if we do find the person that could help us out, they might be able to assist us, instead of hurt us.