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A paranormal, vampire romance book.

Imagine waking up and discovering you’re a vampire.

For Eliza, this situation has become her reality…

And no amount of vampire movies has prepared her for what she’ll have to go through.

After being charmed by the mysterious and alluring Tom, she’s faced with a life-changing proposal.

He invites Eliza to join him by transforming and becoming part of his coven, the NuBlood!

Now, with her life forever altered, Eliza is busy navigating the ways of the NuBlood while also unraveling Tom’s enigmatic nature in his bed each night…

But when the coven hosts a “blood party,” Eliza uncovers that membership in the NuBlood demands far more than she initially realized…

Is Eliza dedicated enough to Tom to be able to tap into her inner darkness and rescue her relationship?

Or will the demands of her new life prove too much for her to handle?

Find out in this vampire romance story by Adrian Day.

Turned By Him cover small

Chapter 1

The apartment was less than 500 square feet; there was no beating the view for the price. Outside the window of Eliza’s small quarters, the neon grandeur of Time Square erupted in multicolored brilliance. Eliza’s building was only two blocks down 46th street from Time Square and it would be Eliza’s first New Year’s Eve with the spectacular view. Manhattan’s towers were draped in snow and decorated for the Holiday season. The sharp December wind rattled the thin panes of the apartment. Manhattan had always been a tough place to live and was only more difficult for college students. Eliza was fortunate to have found such a premier location for her time at New York University. Her handsome inheritance, while the product of the loss of her father, helped Eliza stay in the amazing apartment.

Eliza had just finished applying the final touches to her make up when Heather, Eliza’s best friend, knocked at the front door. Eliza promptly answered the door and let her friend into the cluttered one bedroom apartment.

“How do you do it Liza?” Heather asked as she sat down on the couch. “You live in this amazing apartment, you always look amazing, and you’re about to be a doctor!”

“It’s a PhD in history,” Eliza said modestly, “and I honestly should be staying home to work on my thesis. Besides, I leave my oven on all day to keep this place heated.”

“Oh come on Liza,” Heather protested.

“I’m going aren’t I?” Eliza didn’t often go out, between work, completing her thesis for her doctorate and trying to manage her parent’s estate she was quite busy. “I’m not overdressed, am I?” Eliza was wearing a tight black dress with a slit up its side. It was a tasteful, yet a very uncharacteristic, choice for Eliza who was more accustom to sweatpants and band T-shirts. She wore black heels and sported a pair of elegant amethyst earrings to accessorize her outfit.

“You’re perfect,” Heather insisted once more. “You’re already completely ready?”

“Should I not be?” Eliza returned to the bathroom to inspect herself in the mirror. “Maybe I shouldn’t have picked red lipstick.”

“Come on Liza,” Heather said in a feigned nagging tone. “This is going to be so much fun. Look at this.” Heather beckoned Eliza sit next to her as she waved a small card in the air. “This is the invitation I got. It may be vague but it’s the coolest invitation I’ve seen.”

Eliza examined the 4 x 8 card. The edges appeared to be slightly singed. The front side of the invitation read “NuOrder: One Night Only” in deco gothic lettering. Just below that were several small images of speakers, lights and what Eliza assumed to be raindrops. On the other side of the invitation was the address, some more strange art and in bold “must provide invitation at door. +1 admitted.” Strange runes decorated the fringes of the invitation and Eliza recognized one of them as the Celtic rune for blood. She considered saying something but often felt self-conscious about her intelligence and interest in history.

“So it’s an exclusive party?” Eliza said as she passed the card back to Heather. “Or is that just something they say to build up the hype?”

“I guess so,” Heather said with a shrug not directly answering the question. “A guy in my class gave me the invitation. He didn’t say much about it though.”

After inspecting themselves in the mirror by the door, the two women made their way to Eliza’s red two door Chevy Cobalt. It wasn’t the greatest car but it was new and it was Eliza’s. She had tried driving her father’s car after he passed away ten years ago. The strain of being a new driver and the constant reminder that she was now an orphan was too much for Eliza however and she had traded through several used vehicles before purchasing the red sedan affectionately named Amber. Eliza lived modestly in one of the most expensive city in the world. Eliza was humble and responsible.

“Are you sure you don’t mind driving?” Heather asked. “We could always take the subway.”

Eliza always had an adventurer’s spirit. Part of why she found history so fascinating was because exploring the world through journals and personal testimonies gave her the same excitement as seeing the world today. Eliza had become her own caretaker and confidant at an early age and had thus been able to make the mistakes so many young adults do at 15. For a young woman of 25, Eliza could be considered very responsible. “It’s not a problem” Eliza said confidently “I’m not going to have anything to drink.” The two shared another laugh and got in the car. Eliza didn’t drive too often considering the chaotic traffic of Manhattan Island. She was a good driver though and confident behind the wheel.

On the way, Heather explained how she heard about the party. “He was in my biology 680 class. He’s one of those brainy quiet types. He’s been interning at St. Jude’s. When he invited me to this party, I was honestly flabbergasted. He had never said more than a few words to me before and it wasn’t like he was inviting everyone.”

“That’s kinda weird Heather,” Eliza said warily. As they turned off the Williamsburg Bridge and made their way along the Brooklyn Waterway, Eliza began to grow concerned. She was accustomed to the bustling streets and bright lights of Manhattan. She rarely left the island. Eliza felt at home beneath Gotham’s towers. Yet, following the instruction of Google Maps, Eliza found herself navigating the dirty streets of lower Brooklyn. As they crossed over Banker Street Eliza realized she hadn’t seen a pedestrian in a while.

“Where are we going?” she asked again. Just then she spotted a group of people smoking cigarettes outside what appeared to be a tomato packaging factory. The jarring voice of Google’s GPS alerted them that their destination was on the left. “Are we going to a rave?” Eliza asked, suddenly realizing why the party was being held at a factory in Brooklyn.

“We’re here,” Heather said stuffing her phone into the purse at her feet. “And I hope so. Raves are so much fun!”

Eliza couldn’t understand how the 28 year old medical student, who had maintained a 4.0 since grade school, could have such a flair for raves and festivals. In Eliza’s experience, raves were an excuse for people to get drunk and drugged up to an eardrum bursting EDM beat. She knew Heather loved them however, and had attended her every rave at Heather’s request.